Chapter Three

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While counting our corals, Rue and I sat on the sand of the shore letting the breeze blow over us. It's gotten warmer since the last time we were here so the water isn't as cold thankfully. "So we have five Fires, two Staghorns and a Sea Fan." I pointed out each one to Rue. She smirked and said: "Hmm, do you think Rallie, Levi and Erevn have a Sea Fan?"
"No, I do not, I've seen their shared collection and I have never seen not one Sea Fan." I replied. "Come on, bag these up. We gotta go."
"Because I wanna go into town quickly. I've gotta ask someone something."
She nodded as she put the corals back into the satchel, hanging it over her shoulder and standing up. "Here." She pulled me up and dusted herself off.
"So, who are you asking what exactly?" Rue asked as we walked since we still can't use the speeder.
"Monsieur Calcifer. He's been all around the Galaxy, maybe he'll know what these crystals are for." I answered, avoiding her gaze.
"Esmere, give it a rest." Rue sneered, moving in front of me so I couldn't go any further. "You've been at this for a week. If you want to know then go ask Mom!"
"I can't, if they did have something to do with something bad then she won't answer so the best thing to do is find out on my own." I huffed.
Rue's eye twitched. "Don't. They've been through a lot. Don't go digging up the past. I remember years ago we agreed never to ask about the past and let them tell us on their own when they feel most comfortable. I hope you remember too."
"Aarue, I'm going to find out. I have to know. It's always picking at my brain. Just... Let me do this."

She looked at me up and down, probably considering it though I wish I knew what she was actually thinking. "Fine. Lead the way."
"Thank you." I started walking again with my twin by my side.
Hopefully, I don't regret this.


"Wait, Esmere, wasn't he over there before?" Aarue pointed behind us to all the booths in the marketplace. "No, he moved his booth over here. I don't know why though." I answered as we turned a corner down another road. More less-visited shops and booths where down here.
I pointed to a smaller one at the end that had an older man sitting behind it. "He's over there."
"Huh, that's odd..." said Rue, her eyebrows furrowed.
We walked up to the small table which had different types of weapons laid upon it, mostly pocket knives. "Well, my favorite set of twins!" Monsieur Calcifer exclaimed with a smile. "I haven't seen you two in a long time! How are your parents?"
"They're doing good." I smiled as I slipped my hands into my pockets. "How are you?"
"Ah, I'm getting by... What can I do for you?"
"Well..." I sighed, glancing over at Rue. I pulled my crystal from under my tunic and stepped forward. "I want to know what this is. Rue has one too... Do you think you'd know?"
Calcifer held out his hand and I hesitated. This is a bad idea. But I have to know.
Mom's words kept ringing in my mind...

But most importantly, never let anyone touch them.

Slowly, I removed the crystal from my neck and handed it to the man who held it close to his eyes. He studied it for a moment and inside me, the anticipation boiled hotly.
I'm just hoping that he knows.
No, I'm not hoping that he knows what it is, I'm hoping it doesn't have something to do with something terrible.
"I have to ask you this, Esmere..." Monsieur Calcifer started slowly, looking into my eyes and I knew he was going to say something truly crucial. "Are you certain you want to know what this is?"
Before I could answer I felt a soft hand slip into my own. Rue squeezed my hand tightly, looking down then giving a nod of approval.
"Yes. I do."

Monsieur Calcifer nodded once. "This is a Kyber Crystal. Kyber Crystals power the Jedi Lightsabers, and without one you wouldn't have a blade. When Jedi are young they go to a planet and perform a tradition called The Gathering, where they go through a cave and face trials to obtain a crystal of their own. Crystals vary in color and change based on the personality of the wielder. Most Jedi have Blue or Green, others could have Orange, Pink, Yellow, Purple and so on. But the Sith-"
"Only carry Red Blades..." Rue cut in.

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