Chapter Two

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Two weeks.
It has been two weeks and we can't go out without supervision. So, that means, staying inside for the majority of this time.
I would much rather be at the coast, enjoying the breeze but no. I have to stay inside where it is dry.
If only we had just come home before going then we wouldn't be in this.

"Aarue, I don't know if I can take another week." Esmere groaned.
Both of us were laid out on our beds staring up at the ceiling. We helped each other study mathematics but besides that we haven't done anything.
"Me either."
"Wait. Idea." He sat up. "Pratiquons notre Franmeka. Cela nous aidera à nous concentrer sur quelque chose.(Let's practice our Franmeka. It'll help us focus on something.)"
"Tu sais... que je ne suis pas... si bon(You know... I'm not... that good...)" I said slowly since I haven't mastered talking very fast in Franmeka yet. I can understand the language but speaking is a different story.
He sighed and rolled his eyes. "C'est parce que tu as appris de Dad, tu aurais dû apprendre de Mom. Elle a grandi en le parlant. Dad ne l'a pas fait.(That's because you learned from Dad, you should have learned from mom. She grew up speaking it. Dad didn't.)"

"Je sais, Je sais...(I know, I know...)"
"So, Aarue, my challenge for you today is to only speak Franmeka." Esmere then said proudly.

"Why not?" He tilted his head.
"Because I don't want to. It's too tiring to think in another language, let alone speak it." I explained, folding my arms. "I'll just stick to basic."
He scoffed and mumbled: "Très bien alors... Baka.(Alright then... Idiot.)" then left the room.
"Wrong language." I dictated as I followed him to the sitting room.
Mom sat at the desk with a pen in hand and looking down at a piece of paper yet she turned around to face us. "Hello, Loves, could you go out to the garden and pick me a few flowers? You know which ones right?"
We grinned and nodded.
"Lavenders are your favorite, of course we know." Esmere said.
Mom smiled. "Yes, you both have good memories and also, today your father wants you to meet him at the docking bays so you may use the speeder but it's only for today. Don't take advantage of this privilege though."
Both of us looked at each other and smirked slightly, speaking in a silent way.
"We won't. We'll go and come back, here Esmere you go and get the lavenders while I start the speeder." I spoke then went over to the kitchen and searching above the fridge for the keys while Esmere went outside. Usually, Mom puts the keys up there when we're not allowed to use the speeder.
But I heard jingling behind me and I turned seeing that mom had them in her hand. "I stopped putting them there since you're getting taller and it's not exactly my advantage if you know where I put them."
"Nice move." I admitted, going up to her, reaching out to grab them but she held them up high so I couldn't reach them.
"Ah ah, you will go, and come back." She stressed. "No going anywhere else. Understand? I'm telling you this because you are mostly the leader between you two so I expect you to be responsible."
I scoffed. "I will. You can trust me."
She raised an eyebrow. "Can I?"
"Yes, Mother, you can."
Mom smirked and handed me the keys. "Checkmate."

Just then Esmere came back in, holding a small patch of purple flowers with a grin.
"Here you go, I made sure to get the prettiest ones." He held them out and Mom took them.
"Thank you, my Star. Now, off you go."
She kissed us both on the head then sat back down at the desk, picking up the pen again.
"Wait, are you writing to Alanya?" I then asked. "If so tell her I said Hi!"
"I will, she always asks about you both in her letters so I'll be sure to tell her."
I grinned and nodded. Alanya is an old friend of Mom and Dad's since before we were born, she works as an ace pilot and we've met her a few times when we were little but she and mom mostly write back and forth.
"Are you coming, Aarue?" Esmere rolled his eyes as he typed in the code on the keypad making the door open for us.
"Yes, I am. Don't rush me. Love you, Mom!"

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