Chapter Four

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"You sure you have the upper hand?" I asked, not looking up from my cards; +4, +6, -10, and a Green Sylop. Dad scoffed. "The question is, do you?"
I put my cards down on the floor. "Yes. I do."
He did the same and I smirked. I beat him by three.
"No, that's not right, you never win." He said.
"There is a first time for everything." I shrugged, holding out my hand. "Good game."
He huffed as a laugh and shook my hand.
I heard footsteps and turned to see Esmere going into the kitchen, his nose in a book. "Who won this time?" He asked, not taking his eyes away from the page as he grabbed a plum and bit into it.
"I did." I answered as I stood up.
"Really? Surprising."
"What are you reading?" I leaned my arms on the counter.
"Something about the Clone Wars, I want to see what else I can find about the Jedi." He answered quietly.
I glared at him, speaking to him without any words which I knew he'd understand. He has to stop this. He promised me.
"Hmm, sounds cool for you, but laser swords aren't my thing." I said, covering up how I really felt. "I like being behind the wheel of a ship and in the stars."
"Says the girl who's never even flown a ship unless you count sitting on dad's lap that one time a few years ago." Esmere rolled his eyes.
"It does count! Doesn't it?" I turned to dad who was now cleaning up our Sabacc cards. He looked up. "Your brother is technically right, you've never flown a ship without my help because I don't want you crashing it." He answered. "But, I want to convince your mother to let me take you two with me next month on my next shipping run. If I can then I'll teach you then."
"Really?!" I exclaimed.
"Rue, this is Mom we're talking about." Esmere spoke up. "We've only been off the planet a few times, and that was when we were small. Things are different now."
"It's not just her, Esmere." Dad sighed. "We just want you safe. And the Galaxy is no place for you two to be alone in."
I could somehow feel that Dad was worried. But not just that, like he was hiding something...
I shook my head.

You know he's an honest person, Aarue.
Stop it.
I thought to myself.

"Still, hopefully, we do get to go." I grinned slightly. "Anyway, do you want to put that book down and spend time with your twin? I'll time you outside."
Esmere glared at me then smirked, laying the book down on the counter and quickly going over to the front door to open it. "You don't have to tell me twice!"
As soon as it was open he ran out to the yard and away from my sight. I chuckled and followed after.
Today was a pleasant day, with a slight breeze that flew through the pink cherry blossom trees around our home. I've always enjoyed the trees, and they bloom so beautifully time of year which is the summer.
"So, same route as always?" I asked Esmere who was stretching to run. "As always." He replied with a smile. I don't know how I've never noticed it but he smiles just like Dad...
Maybe that's the benefit of looking so much like him.
"What was my last time?" Esmere then asked as he prepared himself for the count down.
"Five rounds in one second shy of two minutes." I answered. "Ready?"
He nodded, breathing deeply.

"Un... Deux... Trois!"

Immediately, my brother took off, running quickly into the trees. I found that a smile started to spread across my cheeks seeing his far-off smirk and glittering eyes as I counted the seconds in my head.
Then I brought myself to sit down on the rock so I could think. I've been doing a lot of that lately.
I'm just worried about Esmere and him obsessing over this Jedi and Kyber Crystal stuff. Yes, he is entitled to doing his research but I've told him before not to dig up the past yet he just keeps on looking for answers.
Honestly, I want answers too but not as badly as him.
Why would our mother give us these and tell us not to let anyone touch them?
I just thought the reason behind that was really personal so I respected that.
Esmere must think there's some scandal or something like that related to our crystals. But it does trouble me.
How would she get her hands on a crystal in the first place then break it in half?
Whatever it is, I trust her. I trust them.
Why wouldn't I? They're my parents.
I have to for my own sake.
Sure, they might've been on the wrong side but they turned back.
That's all that matters.

Esmere zoomed past me again for the last time so he could go around again.

How is he so fast?
I wondered, grinning.

I just hope he doesn't get himself hurt. If he does then the real Esmere is lost forever and changed. I want him to be free without hurt, like I do for Mom and Dad...

"How long was I this time?" I heard and I looked up. Esmere smiled brightly at me while breathing heavily.
"One minute and Twenty-Three seconds." I smiled back. "Faster then normal, you're working hard, Ezsy."
"That's not my name." He rolled his eyes.
"Not to me." I stood up and patted his shoulder. "So what now?"
Esmere smirked, glancing up. "Trees?"
I returned the smirk and nodded.

Hopefully, I can take my mind off of all this mess. Just like him, I'll get hurt if I don't.



I ran a quick hand through my hair and yawned, straining to keep my eyes closed so I can rest.
I can't sleep, no matter how hard I try.
Something is troubling me yet I don't know what. It's as off there's a disturbance somewhere and I can feel it, right here in my small bed. Another thing is my mind keeps bringing up Tomorrow.

Tomorrow? What's happening tomorrow? It's no one's birthday, is it? There are no tests, nothing at school. We aren't going anywhere. I don't need to get anything.
Rue and I aren't going to anyone's home.
So what is happening tomorrow?
I pondered.

I sighed and picked up my crystal so I could look at it in the moonlight. "Hmm." I hummed quietly (Rue is already asleep so I don't want to wake her). Somehow it seemed to be shining on it's own but very faintly. I wasn't really wondering how it was doing that, mostly why... It's definitely not because it's near Rue's, so what could it be. The feeling it gave off was odd, like it was calling out to something.
Wait, how do I know the feelings of a crystal?
This is insane, there's no way I could know that for sure. I'm not a Jedi. Probably will never be. I'm starting to think that Rue is Force Sensitive, based on the things she can do, they are the exact same powers the Jedi yield. And if I was Force Sensitive I would've showed signs by now...
I can't do anything she can do so why keep my hopes up?

Slowly, I rolled out of bed and tiptoed out of the open bedroom door. I was careful as I opened the small cupboard at the end of the hall and pulled out a blue blanket with yellow stars, trying my hardest not to make noise.
Then I went to the bay window in the sitting room, wrapping it around myself.
Sometimes when I can't sleep I go here to just relax. I've been doing it for years.
I saw all the stars outside in the sky and spotted a large one, our parents call it Étoile mainly because it just means star. And mom says it granted her biggest wish though no matter how much I ask, she still won't tell me.

I sighed deeply.

This is stupid but here goes nothing.

"I wish..." I started. "I wish I was..."
I couldn't even get the words out, and out of nowhere, I felt hot tears form. It seemed like I'd been here before, in a different life.

My head snapped up as I heard footsteps come down the hall and my dad appeared looking tired. "What are you doing up, Kid?"
"Oh, nothing..." I trailed off then wiped away the tears quickly. "Just couldn't sleep."
He sighed, coming over to sit in front of me. "What's wrong?"
"It's nothing, you don't have to worry about me." I tried grinning.
"Esmere, you know you can tell me anything, right?" He looked at me worriedly.
"I know, but I'm fine. I'll tell you when I'm ready."
He nodded slowly. "Alright. When you're ready... You know, my mother made that for me?" Dad pointed to the blanket wrapped around me, he probably knew I wanted to move on to something different.
"Really?" I asked quietly. "I didn't know, and I use it all the time, but if you don't want me to then I can put it back-"
He grinned. "No, you can keep it. I don't really need it anymore, you three bring me all the comfort I need."
"Thank you..."
"You're welcome. Well, I'll let you be now." Dad sighed then stood up to hug me tightly and I returned it all the same.
"Don't stay up too late, alright?" He pulled back.
"Don't worry, I won't." I leaned my head against the window as I beamed. "Also is anything important happening tomorrow?"
"Not that I know of... Why?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing, just wondering." I replied. "Good night, Dad."

"Good night, and try to at least get some rest in your own bed."
"I will." I nodded then he went back down the hall and I heard a door click shut.
I released a sigh, looking back up at the stars. Maybe my mind is just messing with me.
Nothing will be happening tomorrow.
The crystal is just reflecting the light.
And I will never be Force Sensitive.

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