Chapter Eleven

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Will this ever end?
I pondered, sitting near Eclypse in an alleyway. We're stuck on Ord Mantell with no place to stay, we're hiding from Sith Troopers of all things, and my son- our son is gone. Which reminds me that our daughter is out looking for him, all alone. My angel is alone out in space... It hurts me that I can't be there if she gets into trouble.
Eclypse doesn't want to be bothered with me at the moment and I don't blame her. What I said was stupid, I don't know what came over me. It'll be hard to fix it now. Especially with her.
Even after we married she's still as closed off as before.
Never talking of her family unless the twins ask, avoiding me when I would ask if she wanted to talk about anything, sometimes I still wonder if she has night terrors but just hides it so well.
I at least try to be open, I talk, but Eclypse just... isn't that way. I don't understand.
Then again, I don't even understand myself.
I glanced over to the other side of the alley where Eclypse sat, holding her legs close and laying her chin on her knees. She was staring off into the abyss, probably trying to cut herself off from reality or trying to process everything. Every few moments she would shiver from the cold which confused me because look at where she grew up, on a planet covered in snow. Maybe not having been to the planet in so long made her forget how the cold felt. Sighing, I got up, pulling off my jacket, and getting up to lay it around her shoulders. But she nudged it off. "I don't need it."
"You don't need it or you don't want it?" I inquired. Eclypse merely looked up and glared at me. "I do not need it, Solo."
I smirked. "That's your last name too, you know."
She rolled her eyes then went back to staring at whatever was in front of her. "Go away, please."
"I can't leave you." I replied, sitting down next to her. "We have to find Esmere, and me leaving you won't help. It'd only make things worse because then we're all scattered across the galaxy." I paused, picking my next words carefully. "Look, I know that... you hate me right now. And I understand that. I'd be hateful too. I said some insensitive things, and I understand if you can't forgive me right now, but at least let me try to be better..."
"Alright..." Eclypse sighed.
"Now, are you cold?"
She looked at me and nodded.
"Come here then." I held out my arm, and though she was hesitant, she scooted closer and let me put the jacket back on her shoulders and hold her close for extra warmth. Now all we have to figure out is how to avoid the Sith Troopers and find a way to Tatooine. The real question is why the hell they're here in the first place, they're supposed to be dead, right?
Our heads perked up when we heard the beeping sound of our Intercoms repetitively. Eclypse beat me to it and pulled out hers, answering it as quickly as possible. "Aarue? Are you there? Are you safe?"
A laugh came through and a woman (who I knew wasn't Rue) spoke: "Wow, I wasn't expecting to be bombarded with questions!"
"... Alanya?" I asked.
"The one and only!" She answered cheerfully.
"W-what are you doing there? Where's Rue?" Eclypse then asked.
"Don't worry, I'm here." Aarue's voice came through the comm and I internally sighed in relief. "I stopped for a moment by the hyperspace lane I was in and Alanya found me."
"You're leaving something out, Aarue. Tell us." I pushed her, already knowing that something happened.
"A TIE Fighter noticed the ship's signature and started a fight. I noticed it too and helped her out but the ship is damaged now." Alanya answered.
Eclypse and I looked at each other. TIE Fighters too? Where is all of this coming from? "We got chased by Sith Troopers on Ord Mantell, which is where we are stuck now with no way to get to Tatooine." I added.
"It's too dangerous to go there right now." Alanya then said. "It's crawling with Troopers and TIEs."
"But why? They're supposed to be gone." I could tell Eclypse was really bothered by this, and she needed all the answers she could get.
"I can't explain over a Comm. It's too risky. But I'm taking Rue and the Ship to my jurisdiction on Chandrila, it'll be safer there. And I suggest you both come too. With everything going on, which I know Pillio is hiding from their people, it's not safe out there especially for you two. You're lucky you weren't arrested."
Eclypse sighed deeply. "Fine. We'll find a way."
"You don't need to. I know someone who goes by the name of Cid on the planet you're on and she can get you off the planet quickly without attracting attention. Her place is in the lower levels of the city but not hard to find. Just tell her that I sent you." Alanya suggested.
"Alright, we'll look. And please take care of Aarue." I tried my hardest not to sound desperate but... I'm too worried about the twins, at least I have contact with one. "You don't have to worry about her, she'll be fine, I swear it."
"Thank you, I trust you Alanya."
The Comm turned off and we sighed. Though all of this was stressful, I was thankful for Alanya. Rue could've been hurt. But this sets us back one too many steps to finding Esmere. I just hope that wherever he is, he is safe. He's such a soft and gentle boy; a people pleaser, and that's what worries me. He'll just let people walk over him and not say a word. And he trusts easily.
He's just... different.
It's truly amazing how much he's like Eclypse...
Though it's always a problem.
For both of them.
I just hope that someday he learns how to defend himself as she did. But until then I will be the one to protect him.

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