Chapter Thirteen

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I don't really know how to explain how I escaped...
Now I was just walking through the hot sun and sand of Tatooine.
One second I had gotten my ropes off a little while before we landed, another was pinning Mara down to get my crystal after shooting everyone else with a blaster (I don't think I killed anyone though), then I grabbed my bag with the lightsaber hilt and ran.
I don't even know how it happened or how I managed it, just... That voice told me what to do to escape... And I'm thankful.
Now I'm stranded on Tatooine without rations or water, and no way to contact anyone.
I stopped and turned my head in all directions, searching for anything but hills of sand and horizon, but that was the only thing in sight. I sighed as dropped down to sit.
I mean, I knew that Tatooine was hot but I didn't think it'd be this hot. How can people even live here? Or on Jakku?
Or Pasanna?
It can't be possible.
I pushed myself back up from sitting, knowing that I had to go on if I'm to find Aunt Rey.

Go left.

The voice spoke again and I nodded, turning to that direction to continue. Now I don't question it, I just listen...
As I walked, I realized that the things keeping my temperature so high wasn't only Tatoonie itself, so I took off the yellow cardigan and rolled up my sleeves. It would be wise to drop the extra cloth but I can't do that; right now, this cardigan is one of the only things that connects me back to home, back to my parents, back to Aarue. Oh my stars, I can't even imagine how worried she is right now. For all I know she could be out there looking for me.
You know, I don't know what to expect when I find Aunt Rey. What do I even say to her?

'Hello, you might not remember me but I'm your nephew Esmere, you know? The son of Kylo Ren and Darth Nova who just so happens to be your nephew who you're technically not related to by blood, and I want to know if I have cool powers like the Jedi and if you could test me.'
Yeah, as if she'd ever believe that.
I thought and rolled my eyes.

But then again, who knows?
Maybe the odds are in my favor.

I squinted my eyes to see farther in front of me, I could have sworn I saw something out there. With what little strength I have left, I walked faster and closer and a structure came into sight, actually multiple structures...
A town!
I found a town!
I ran to it as quickly as possible, desperate to find shade and water. All kinds of people walked through the streets most of them being human. They wore dully colored clothes though, it might be just to fight off the heat.
The buildings weren't tall and were made of stone and clay. It is a little different than I expected. But then again, I have no idea what part of Tatooine I'm on.
(My question was answered when I saw a sign saying Anchorhead, and I happen to know that it's a small town on Tatooine)
I spotted booths down one street so I went to see if I could find some water but everywhere I asked they shooed me away. And there were all these Stormtrooper like people standing around with Blasters, except for their armor was red not white.
I ignored them as best I could. Maybe they are actual Troopers and what if I do something that looks wrong?
I walked up to another booth that sold ship parts and a bug-like creature flying around it. He must be selling, and I saw the large canister of water right by him.
"I'm sorry to bother you but could I have some of your water?" I asked politely.
"Can't you go ask somewhere else?" He answered annoyedly, his accent thick.
"No, Sir. I've asked all around." I replied.
He tsked at me then handed me the canister. "Fine, boy. Here. You may have it."
"Thank you so much." I bowed to him, then opened the cap to let the cold liquid flow down my throat. I must have been dehydrated.
"Wait... Eh, you are not from here, are you?" He then said as he looked at me up and down.
"I'm from Pillio, Sir. It's in the Vardos system." I handed the canister back to the creature.
"Ah, Pillio! Yes, I know the planet! It's pretty wet there, eh?" He chuckled.
I laughed and nodded. "Yes, it is very very wet there."
"So what brings you to Tatooine? Looking for someone I presume? People like you just don't go wandering in the sand out there."
My head tilted in confusion. "How'd you know?"
"Trust me, boy, I've seen many kinds of people. You seem like you'd be looking for someone." The creature said slyly.
"Well, I'm looking for my Aunt. I know she lives close by here." I explained. "Do you think you'd you where she lives?"
"Eh, what is her name?" He asked.
"Skywalker. Rey Skywalker." I answered.
He thought for a moment then said: "Yes, I know her. The Jedi. She's come to me for parts to fox her ship at times, very good in negotiations. She lives on the old Lars Homestead."
"Could you point out the way?" I asked as my eyes lit up with excitement.
"Go north west, out of town and continue on until you find it. It'll take eh... maybe less than an hour to get there." He pointed to my right and I smiled, bowing low. "Thank you so much, Monsieur....?"
"Watto. I'm Watto." He smirked, nodding his head to me.
"Thank you, Mr. Watto. I'll be off now. Goodbye!" I waved him goodbye as I walked in the direction he pointed in.
"Good luck, my boy!" He yelled after me.
Now with a little bounce in my step, I walked swiftly to the exit of the small town and on my way to the Homestead where I'll find my Aunt.

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