Chapter Seven

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{This chapter will sorta be like the last will and only from Esmere's viewpoint but there will be more variation in the next chapters)


Just like yesterday, I went to School with Aarue in silence and sat through class like normal, yet at break I searched around for the fiery red hair that's always flowing freely. Last night I came up with a plan, one neither of my parents would be proud of but I think it's the best choice for me right now. My eyes lit up as I spotted Mara, sitting alone under a tree with something small in her hands. I went over quickly, placing myself in front of her. She looked up. Turns out what she was holding was a knife with flowers carved into the handle yet she put it in a holster under her sleeve. "Well, did you convince them, Yorkshire?" She asked as she raised her eyebrows and sounded like she was almost on the brink of boredom.
"Yes, I'm leaving with you tonight." I lied.
Mara smirked. "You really did? I'm impressed. Are your things ready to go then?"
"No." I shook my head as I sat next to her. "I'll pack a bag tonight before I leave. Which reminds me, when are we leaving?"
"2200 hours, at docking bay eight. But if you're late then I'm leaving without you, so be there on time, also make sure to bring an I.D. Card." Mara glanced at me up and down.
"Don't worry, I will."
"Well then, Esmere, you might want to get back to class before the bell rings. You have a long trek tonight." Mara smirked again.
"Yes, I do. And it's all thanks to you." I said.
"Don't thank me yet, Esmere." She sighed, taking a book that was beside her and opening it. I stood and a small smirk formed on my lips as I started to go back to school building, even though this is such a bad idea I am going to do what I feel is right for me... and face the consequences of my actions afterward.
"Esmere..." I heard a broken voice behind me. I turned around to Aarue who had her head down and refused to look at me. "Yeah?"
She opened her mouth to say something, turning her head to the side now but seemed that nothing would come out. However, I could already feel what she was thinking.
"I know, Rue. I love you too, and I forgive you." I grinned, running my hand down her arm then turning back so I could go inside. Surprisingly, now I felt happier. Even though she didn't say it herself, my sister just told me that she loved me and that she was sorry...
And I'm so proud of her for building up the courage to at least try to speak to me.


Stay quiet, Esmere!
I mentally yelled at myself after catching something heavy in my hands. It's dark now, very late and raining, so everyone is sleeping. Well, except for me. I have somewhere to be. I exhaled smoothly. Carefully, I brought the thing I caught up to my eyes to see. It was black and long, broken yet exactly what I was looking for. Half of a double lightsaber hilt.
Mom's old lightsaber hilt.
On the night they told us everything, Mom said that our crystals were in fact the two halves of the Kyber Crystal that once powered her lightsaber. And I happened to know where the broken lightsaber was since a year ago I accidentally found it deep in the back of the cabinet in the hall wrapped in cloth.
But I almost dropped one half, thankfully I caught it. Quickly, I pulled out my Crystal from my pocket and put it in the opening at the bottom. I flinched when I heard it click into place but I knew that it didn't make too much noise. Satisfied that the crystal fit in perfectly, I tiptoed back to my moonlit room, closing the door carefully behind me. I sighed as I went to my bed that had an open bag laying on it. It already had a few simple things in it like a spare change of clothes, hygiene, and the small blue blanket with stars but that's it. I took the lightsaber hilt after pulling out the crystal again, and put it at the bottom of the bag. When that was done I closed it shut then pulled on a shirt with longer sleeves, my mother's cardigan, and my raincoat. It's raining hard outside so I have to layer up.

I guess that's it. I looked around at my room as if I wear leaving it for good.
But I'm coming back as soon as I can... Right?
I've never really been away from home without my parents before so this is a big step, especially for me. I can't even do anything without having my twin beside me.
I don't think I could live without her...
I then gazed at my sleeping sister on her bed, curled up in her blankets. Slowly, I went over so I could see her better yet froze up as Rue shifted in her sleep, moving so her face was more visible in the moonlight. Thankful that she didn't wake up, I moved a little closer and crouched down so I was level with the bed.
"I'll miss you, Aarue." I started at a whisper. "I hope you can forgive me for what I'm about to do but I also want you to understand that when I need to know something then I really have to know. So, take care of yourself and Mom and Dad while I'm gone. Make sure that they don't worry much." I stood up and leaned over her, moving her dark wavy hair out of her face so I could kiss her shortly on the head. "I love you, Little Sister."

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