Chapter Sixteen

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I was tinkering with the panel in the ship, seeing would work and what wouldn't while Dad helped Alanya out side with the wing and Mom checked everything in the gunners position. Really I was just trying to distract myself from my thoughts. I felt trapped somehow and I couldn't shake the feeling that it had something to do with Esmere. Because at first all I felt was joy but it changed so suddenly to this. It must have something to do with him.
I've realized now that we're deeply connected. Not exactly like the Dyad between Aunt Rey and my Father but something like that. Or maybe it's just twin telepathy.
I looked up as I heard a loud engine and saw a disk like ship land on one of the landing pads. It give me a weird feeling so I left the ship quickly with my mother following behind me. She probably felt odd too. "Oh no..." She mumbled as she stared at the ship.
"What's wrong?" Dad came up behind us, wiping his hands with a cloth, but he looked at the ship too. "Sh*t. Aarue, stay here."
He took Mom's hand and pulled her with him as he walked swiftly towards the ship. I was the ramp open and a woman accompanied by a droid like BB-7A exited. The woman I recognized but I don't remember where, and she seemed determined yet worried at the same time. Once the three reached each other the woman started talking so fast that I couldn't even figure out what they were talking about by reading her lips. My parents nodded and they all came back. Then I realized.
It's Aunt Rey.
And my brother wasn't with her.

"Alanya, we have to talk to Finn and Poe now." Aunt Rey said, going up to Alanya. "It's the Final Order. And it'd be best if we had an emergency meeting too."
She nodded and they, including me, followed quickly into the Resistance Base. I was confused so I tapped on my mother's shoulder. "What's going on? Where's Esmere?"
"He was taken by the Final Order. We have to get him out." She answered a little too quickly. She was freaking out and I could sense it. And I started to freak out too.
"But... How?" I gulped, trying to hold everything down.
She didn't answer back to this though as she looked back to the front.
When we reached the Commander Center, they went in but when I tried to go too Dad turned to me and said: "No, Rue. You stay here."
"But I want to help find him! Let me go with you!" I yelled then tried to push past him. But he pulled me back.
"No." He repeated more firmly. "This is about stuff you don't understand."
"What do you mean 'I don't understand'?" I questioned, lowering my voice and glaring at him intently. He sighed, pulling me into a corner. "This isn't just about Esmere anymore, Aarue. I get it, you want to find your brother but there's more involved in this then you think, stuff you can't understand yet. I'm not underestimating you if that's what you think I'm doing, but as your father I am protecting you. So you will wait out here. Understood?"
I huffed and turned my back to him. "Fine."
With that, Dad went into the Command Center with everyone else, leaving me behind.


Uncontrollably taping my foot as I sat on the floor outside of Command, I waited for over an hour for them to be done with the meeting along side BB-7A. Many people had entered the room at a run.
My guess is that the generals, like Aunt Rey suggested, called for a meeting. For what I don't know.
I was pacing for a while but my legs got tired so I sat.
Once very few minutes I'd hear someone shout, then someone would shout back and eventually it'd die down or someone else would tell them to shut it.
I even heard my parents' voices once but not for that long.
"How much long do you think they'll all be in there?" I turned to 7A and asked. She beeped sadly in response. "Well, they can't stay in there forever..."
Just as I said that was when the door opened and everyone spilled out quickly, rushing to get to where. I stood up, waiting to spot my parents.
When they walked out I started to follow them. Now they seemed determined. "So, what's the plan?  Why is everyone running around?" I asked.
"Both of the Generals have decided to make a surprise attack on the two Final Order bases, and they've allowed us to sneak in and get Esmere from the first one while they do." Dad answered as we entered the area where the ship was. Alanya and Aunt Rey came up next to them from behind. "Are you tagging along with us, Alanya?" Mom inquired, closing the metal plate on the ship and making sure it was secure. But Alanya shook her head. "No. 7A and I have to help with the attack, but I wish you the best of luck in finding him safely." They hugged. "Thank you, Alanya." Then Alanya ran off with 7A out into the ship yard to find her pilot's uniform and her X-Wing.
Dad went inside the ship after hugging Aunt Rey and calling us to follow.
" Wish I could say that I'll be right behind you three but I have to go to the second base." Aunt Rey said to Mom and I, putting a hand on her shoulder. BB-8 came up next to her and whistled.
"I know. See you back here, and good luck." Mom attempted a small grin then took me into the ship with her and put in the code to close the door. "Sit down, Rue. It's going to be a fast ride." Mom said to me as she sat in the Co-Pilot's seat in the cockpit with Dad. I nodded and sat, buckling myself in.
Once everything was powered on, we took off first before every one, and I saw Aunt Rey took off too.
My heart jumped in fear as I realized where we're going.
The base for the Final Order...
And I can't even believe that I'm allowed to go too.
But I have to stay strong for Esmere.
Right now, my only priority is him, and him alone.

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