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"Rue! Esmere! Come down, it's time to go!" Eclypse yelled up the stairs, standing next to Ben at the front door. Quick footsteps were heard and the twins came rushing down the stairs while laughing, seeing who could reach the bottom first.

"Ha! Told you I'd win, I always do." Esmere said proudly seeing as he ended up being the first. He dusted off his yellow cardigan(which was really his mother's) and adjusted his jade green high necked shirt.
"No, you cheated this time because you skipped a step even when you're not supposed to." Aarue retorted and huffed childishly as she too fixed her clothes by tucking her oversized navy sweater into her pastel purple skirt.

Her brother merely shrugged, opening the front door, and walked out with her and their parents following behind. But he remembered that he had no idea where they were going so he slowed down to walk next to their father, and Rue did the same by walking next to their mother as they walked down the hill and away from their home.

It was a beautiful day, with many clouds giving shade to the little mountain town with an ocean view, and the wind blowing gracefully. There was way more green here then in the town they lived in before but it was still Pillio so there was plenty of grey rock and coral yet it add to the beauty of the green rather than take away from it.

"So, where are we going today?" Rue asked, looking out at the water down below the cliff.
"Nowhere in particular." Ben acknowledged, the golden dice clipped to his tan trousers jingling with every step he made. "We're still new here so why not try to figure our way around?"
"Good point." Esmere nodded.

They both had been meaning to ask if they could go out so it was perfect timing. It's only been a little more than half a year of them living here and Esmere felt that only going to school and back wasn't enough, he needed a bit of freedom.

Aarue, like Ben, was most comfortable with having some peace in not going anywhere, considering the lengthy adventure she had gone on to find her twin; still once in a while wanting to explore something, but the very short path that lead from their home to the rocky waterfront was enough for her.

Eclypse was the more hesitant one when going out, she was nervous about how she would look to people now that all five of her scars were gone.

Yes, her confidence did increase but so did her fear. And she didn't entirely understand why.
Shouldn't she be less protective of herself now?

The thing, that she and Ben noticed, was that over the years those scars served as a shield that put one version out for others to see while keeping the real Eclypse in to be protected from 'harm', as one would say. She got used to them, so now that that shield, that blanket, was gone, she had to learn to preserve herself all over again. That wouldn't be too hard, right?

Regardless, Eclypse had the ones she loved to help her so the process will go much quicker this time.

Esmere watched his steps carefully as they continued on the cliff road, now going up towards mid-town which was now in sight. There were a lot more rocks on this part and he didn't want to trip and hurt himself even more. Though his wound had almost healed all the way, he still had great pain when reaching up for things or bending down, even sometimes when he would walk or run(thankfully today was not one of those days). To fall right now would just add to that, so he stepped in each spot carefully, making sure that he was secure.

Esmere's head perked up though once he started to hear the voices of other people in front and passing by them. Now they were entering/walking through the most active part of the town, where the small buildings were made of bricks or wood and the road had changed to brick as well which he sighed in relief that he didn't have to watch where he stepped anymore.

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