Chapter Twenty

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Once we got back to the Resistance Base, everything was... chaotic to say the least.

Esmere along with many other Resistance fighters had to be rushed to the Medical Wing, Rey and Alanya had to check in with Poe and Finn to let them know that their missions were completed, and the rest of the members were clearly glad that the battle was over and the enemy defeated.

Rey explained to us why that Holocron was so important (without Aarue around).
It's a Jedi Holocron that somehow was corrupted by a Sith long ago. The Final Order, mainly Vicrul, found out about it and thought that Eclypse and I had it which is why we had a warrant and price on our heads. The entire time Rey kept it and studied it to try to figure out a way to destroy it.

And because Hux's daughter knew that Esmere was on Tatooine trying to find a Jedi, she must have realized that it was with Rey and sent Troopers to get him and the artifact.
No one knows why they wanted it but the Resistance knew that if they somehow got their hands on it then they'd have to make an attack.

Now apparently, Hux and his daughter are in the custody of the New Republic to await trial; hopefully Armitage'll be put away forever, I don't know how I feel about his daughter though. Perhaps she was just raised to be like him and not choose her own path. Aarue definitely does not like her from what I hear.
She told me that she had threatened to kill Esmere and used him so I don't blame her for feeling the way she does.
However the girl is only a child, maybe the courts will see that and give her a pass.

Since only one person is allowed in the room at a time when Esmere isn't conscious, Aarue and I sat outside the door while Eclypse went in to watch over him for the night. The medics said that his wound was bad but not too terrible that he couldn't recover from it, it would just take a lot of time. Both of us are still in shock with what happened and it was hard to explain to Rue, especially when Eclypse actually used the Force for the first time in years.
I could've done it myself, but, she beat me to it and it took a lot out of her even if it wasn't much that she gave.

I was surprised that when I asked Eclypse if she wanted to talk about it she agreed that she would in her own time or probably when we get home.

So, I'll give her that time.
It's only fair.

"Your war is over, right?" Rue said quietly and I looked down at her in confusion.
"What do you mean?" I asked in return.
"The war of your generation... It followed all the way to mine and Esmere's so is it over?" She explained.
I sighed.
I understand what she means but I don't know how to answer. You can never really tell if a war is over, you may think it but it'll still be hiding in the shadows. That was the case with the Final Order so will it ever be over?

"I hope so, Angel. This may be your first but I know is that this is the last war I'm fighting in." I replied, putting my arm around her to pull her close.
"I just hope that I don't have to chase down Esmere next time if he runs off and decides he wants to be a singer on Canto Bite." She rolled her eyes, making me laugh.

"Oh, did I tell you that Esmere and I are being moved up a grade?" Her expression lit up. "After the break, instead of Eleventh Year, we'll be in Twelfth! I didn't get to tell you since all of this happened but I'm excited about it."
"Really? That's amazing!" I exclaimed. "My smart girl, I'm so proud of you both!" Rue smiled brightly as I ruffled her already messy hair.
"That means you'll graduate early, too... Wait, I've never asked you... What do you want to be after school?" I inquired sincerely and though she opened her mouth to answer, she hesitated.

Then she shrugged. "I don't know what I want to be... I just... I want to make sure that my family is okay. And who knows, maybe I'll end up a Pilot like you... That's what I wanted when I was little."
"Make sure you brush up on your skills before you settle on that. Though I have to admit, you are a good pilot, but you have a lot more to learn." I told the young girl and she grinned.

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