Chapter One

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"Esmere, go slower!" Rue called after me.
Last night since we went to bed late and came home late, the dominoes started falling.
Now we're late for school and running to get there because we can't use the speeder.
"It's not my fault that you're slow!" I replied as I continued running. I've always been the fastest between the two of us, so I was far ahead of Rue. Finally, I reached the door to the school and waited for her to catch up. She finally got to the door too and bent over, trying to catch her breath.
"How are you so fast?" She gasped. "You're not even that tall."
I shrugged. "Maybe it's because I'm small that I can run so fast. Let's go in before we dig this hole any deeper." I opened the door and walked into our school which the halls were empty because everyone was already in class. We kept on going until we found our classroom.
Here we go.
Everyone stared at Rue and I as we entered the room. Professor Lupus was standing at the front with a red haired girl who I've never seen before.
"Ah, Monsieur et Mademoiselle Yorkshire," Professor Lupus smirked. "I was beginning to worry."
"Désolé Professeur(Sorry Professor)." Rue curtsied then sat at her desk. I sat at mine, putting down my satchel.
"Well, since you both haven't missed much, I will repeat for you." Professor started. "This is Mara Tozer, she is new in our class. Why don't you tell us a little about yourself, Mademoiselle?"
The new girl grinned. "Umm, where do I start? I'm from Bespin and I have no siblings, I like to read, paint and fly ships. I guess that's it!" She walked from the front to her seat that was in the front row.

"Merci, Mademoiselle Tozer. I hope you make yourself at home here. Now, let's move on to our lesson and we will be beginning with History. Take out your books."
I reached down and pulled out the history textbook, opening it up to the correct page.
"Now, what are we studying for the rest of the school year?"
Rue raised her hand.
"The First Order era." She answered.
"Correct, this era didn't happen that long ago, almost all of you were born right after the war ended. The First Order was the remains of the Galactic Empire that had been lurking under the New Republic until about a decade after it had formed, the Obscurists still survived the Empire which we discussed last month, they were weak but somehow intact. Because of this the Resistance formed and began to fight both parties as the other two fought each other. Who were the rulers of both Empires during this war?"
The new girl, myself, Rue, and a few others raised their hands.
"Mara you may answer for the First Order, Bardan you may answer for the Obscurist."
"The First Order had Supreme Leaders, the first one was Snoke, the second was... Oh, what was his name again? Kylo Red?" Mara's confusion looked fake to me, as if she already knew by heart and was just being sarcastic. It was off.
"Ren. Or as the people here called him, 'La Discorde.'" Rue corrected.
"Good, Bardan your turn."
A thicker boy answered: "Gacrux and Nova."
"Wonderful!" The Professor exclaimed. "There was something that each Obscurist ruler must be. What is that? And I know you all have remembered this so say it together!"
"A Sith." Everyone (except for Mara) said in unison.
"And who would like to tell me what a Sith is?"

"A Sith is similar to a Jedi except with different morals." I spoke up. "They use the dark side of the Force and they have laser swords called Lightsabers, also like the Jedi but they have Red ones. Nova was the first to have a White or Silver one; hence the nickname 'Silver Sith'."
"Very well said, Esmere but don't speak without raising your hand. That goes for you too, Aarue." Professor Lupus warned me.
I nodded once as an apology.
Mara raised her hand high. "Professor, what did Nova and Ren look like? Also, I do know that they were rivals besides being on the opposite sides of the war."
"Really?" The Professor asked, putting his hands in his pockets. "I had no idea and I will have to look into that later, however, most people didn't actually know what either of them looked like at their entrance of the war, towards the end of it all their appearances were revealed. Nova was a dark skinned woman with multiple scars, four of them like a scratch, and Ren I do know was very tall and pale-skinned. He also had a scar across his eye. I even remember that in my home of Mandalore people described him as being built like a fridge."
We all laughed. I can't really imagine someone like a fridge, maybe Dad but no one else.
"Did you ever see him?" Rue asked when the laughter died down a bit.
"Goodness no! I'm glad I didn't! Alright let's move on to the Resistance and what they had to do with the fight. And then after we will move onto Mathematics."

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