Chapter Twelve

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I was laughing so hard that I could barely breathe, saying: "I really did that? Why was I so mean?"
"Yes, you did! You may not think you were but when you two were little, you would always pick on Esmere." Alanya laughed too. "But somehow, you were always by each other's side... Alright, let's get back to working on this thing." She laid back down on the dolly and rolled herself under the ship's panels where there were many loose wires.
Now, we're on Chandrila, and I was surprised because we ended up going to a large place in the middle of nowhere. There were lots of other people there, some rushing around, some greeted Alanya, but I had thought that since she was an Investigator Officer for the New Republic that it's a requirement that she lives in the capital called Hanna City. But I didn't openly question it.
And this entire time she's been telling me stories of when Esmere and I were small and we would visit more often. It makes me miss him more than I already do.
"Could you have me that wrench on the passenger seat? I think it's right beside you." Alanya said, continuing to take different things apart. After looking for a moment, I handed her the wrench so she could continue working. She had originally asked if I wanted to help but I declined, I only know how to put things together not take them apart.
"So, how are you doing in school?" She then asked.
I sighed. "Pretty good, we just found out that both of us are getting moved up a grade next school year. Esmere and me are on the same level right now when it comes to grades."
"See I knew you were gonna be smart! But don't put too much stress on yourself, you'll work yourself to death. I've done that before and it's not fun."
"Don't worry, I won't." I chuckled. "But Esmere's a different story. Once he sets his mind on something he ends up stuck and I end up having to pull him out. Always trying to find truth..."
I trailed off a bit, grief starting to wash over me again.
Maybe I said a bit too much...
There was a long suspenceful pause.
And I already knew what Alanya was going to ask.
She sighed and sat up.
"They told you, didn't they? I mean, I suspected it when you said that he's looking to see if he's Force Sensitive but I pushed it off just in case."
I rolled my eyes, folding my arms defensively. I shouldn't have said anything.
"Yeah, they told us their past, which I believe to be ridiculous." I scoffed. "There's no way. They... can't be. They're too good to have ever been that way."
"I get how you feel, Rue. I truly do. But... You have to accept it sooner than later. If you keep denying it then you'll never trust again. That's not something Ben or Eclypse wants for you, and I know it for a fact. I mean, I can't deny it, I was involved greatly in your mother's place in the Order, however, when you're hurt you try to find any and everything to prove it's a lie."
"Look, I've had enough of the lectures, the deep questions, and the answers that aren't possibly true. I just want it to go back to the way it was..." I looked down, feeling hot tears brim my eyes yet felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Aarue, don't you think that's how they feel?" Alanya suggested softly. "They both lost their families, their true morals, their freedom, everything. For your mother, that man she's married to and you two are the best things that have ever happened to her so she can forget the past and I'm positive it's the same for your father. Sure, sometimes you want the good past back but you have to leave it eventually. Life is constantly changing, and you'll never know Who Lives, Who Dies, or Who Tells Your Story in the end."
"I want to believe them... I really do. I want to forgive them, I want to forgive him... But I can't... I don't know how..." I mumbled as the tears fell down my freckled cheeks, I couldn't even find the courage to look at her. Alanya sighed then pulled me up by the hand. "Let me show you something. It'll help."

Alanya led me to the inside of the large building and through so many halls. It was bright inside and the ceilings were high. A lot of droids were around too, either following behind someone or doing work on panels in the hall.

What is this place?
I pondered.

Then she took me into a big room that had monitors, holo-maps, and people working and rushing around. It amazed me in some way. "Stay here..." she said and left me at the doorway. "Finn, Maz." Alanya called, walking up to a man way darker than myself, even my mother; and a very short orange woman with glasses. The woman looked to her grinning, but the man looked concerned. Since they were farther away I couldn't hear their conversation but when she came back with a key, she seemed a little on edge. "Follow me." Alanya whispered and I obeyed, following her closely right down the hall to a closed door that seemed locked. However, she pulled out a card that opened it immediately when she put it in the keypad. This room was small and dark, with some many random things inside it. She went in searching for something and finding a black box like a package, then came back out letting the door close behind her. I followed her again all the way to a small cabin at the end of a hall with many others like it. After the door was closed and locked, she sighed deeply as she turned on the light. "Okay. Have a seat on the bed." I nodded and sat down like she said, my eyes scanning everything. It was a small room, with a tiny kitchenette in the corner and a soft bed with a bunk on the top. Alanya then crouched down in front of me, sitting down on her legs and holding out the black box and the key.
Then she looked up.
There was seriousness written all over her.
"Open it."

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