Chapter Seventeen

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The air was warm, but the room was dark with only a slit of light showing through the cell door.
I don't really know where I am right now but I do know that it's close to being nighttime. I haven't been here for more than a day, I just hope that I'll be able to escape soon.
Each time I moved, the cuffs and chains on my ankles would tighten so I avoided moving since it hurt so much...
I didn't even try to look out the crack of the door, I already knew that Troopers would be there and tell me to get back.

It was no use to do anything so I just... gave up.

Though the hairs on my neck were standing up since I could feel something around me it wasn't just around me, it was everywhere and it was dark.
It gave off a similar feeling as the Holocron(which they took from me along with my lightsaber). It was really difficult to ignore.

I sighed, laying my head back to the wall.
I need rest bad yet I'm too afraid to sleep because of this feeling...
Maybe if I think of something else then I'll drift off. But before I could, I froze when the light from the door was blocked by a figure in the hall. With every hair on my neck on its end, and adrenaline pumping through my vanes, I craned my neck to possibly see who it was. However, they moved away and I groaned, leaning my head back again.

"I'll never get out of here..." I mumbled.

"You might want to rethink that, Esmere."
I heard the voice, he sounded so calm, and it made me annoyed.
How could this invisible voice be so calm?

"You've said that before haven't you?"

I scoffed, still not opening my tired eyes.
"Sure, but this time it really is true. How do you escape from First Order Troopers?"

"You may not know it now but let me tell you this... You will see Aarue again." He said slowly.
My eyes snapped open and I saw a man sitting across from me in the same position. The man had skin like chocolate and freckles all over his face, somehow complementing his light green eyes. He just seemed like an older male version of my mother. A coincidence, surely.
"How do you know my sister's name?" I asked, tilting my head.
He chuckled softly and looked to the side. "There's a lot I know, my friend."

"And how did you get in here?"  I didn't hear the door open, and there's no way he could've snuck in.
"It's a secret." The man smirked. "But I'm glad I finally get to see you in person... I've been checking up on you and your sister every now and again, though neither of you notices me. When you left I figured it'd be best to help you on your journey."
"So, you've been the voice helping me? Are you Force Sensitive?"
"Yes, I w-... am." He answered. "And the Force is what helps me to communicate with you. I have a question for you though; How is your mother?" His eyes were loving and caring as he anticipated an answer. I was kind of confused with the question yet still answered for him.
"She's doing okay..." I grinned slightly, but it faded away. "After both she and my father told us about their past, she's become quieter. It hurts me to see her that way. Nonetheless, she keeps a brave face."
The man smiled as if he remembered something deep. "Your mother really is a strong woman, Esmere. Please don't take her for granted. And I know your father takes good care of her; and a little off subject, I'm still very surprised with how much you look like him."
"I know, I get told that a lot." I chuckled. "But everyone expects me to be like him... Though I love him, I'm just too different, I'm too much like my mother..."
"Listen, as a father myself, it gets hard to not expect the same traits to evolve in your children, you have to learn how to accept them as they truly are. I'm sure he's proud of you. And I think that it's a wonderful thing that you have your mother's spirit. It doesn't matter what anyone else says." He grinned.

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