Chapter Eight

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"I love you, Little Sister..."

I woke up early hearing those words in my head. They sort of repeated, and the thing is... it was Esmere's voice.
One too many times I had turned to look to my side this morning for my twin brother just to be let down because he wasn't there. But I'll see him at school, right?
Maybe I overstepped by apologizing yesterday...

"Come home quickly, okay?" Mom said as she moved a few locks of hair out of my face. I nodded once but flinched slightly when she kissed my head. It sort of caught me off guard.
"Oh... I'm sorry..." She backed away and looked down.
"No, it... it's ok." I replied quietly, trying to grin but failing miserably so I just kissed her cheek. "I love you, Mom."
She grinned sadly, her green eyes thick with sorrow.
"Do you know where Esmere is?" She then asked.
I shook my head. "No, he must've gone early, since his coat is gone."
"Well, tell him to hurry home as well when you see him."
"I will." After grabbing my satchel from the sofa I walked out the door and Mom said after me: "I love you too, Aarue." making me smile a bit which a smile seems something foreign now, considering all that's happened there isn't much to smile about.

As I walked through the light rain, I felt wrong, maybe sick and it made it last longer by dwelling on it. And my mind kept drifting to Esmere. Somehow the space where his presence should be is empty; it's quiet. All my life I've been so used to having my brother always next to me whether or not I wanted him there, we're basically attached by the hip! But right now it feels empty, I feel empty.
However, I kept on reminding myself that I would see him in class, that he just left early. It's happened before, so why does this time feel different?
I sighed as I held onto my crystal, cutting myself off from those thoughts as well as that energy that was pulling at me. It always is trying to penetrate somehow...
And I do try to ignore but it's so strong that as it went on my fight against it grew weaker. I think it's because I started using my powers more and with that came whatever this energy is, if that's what you'd even call it. Ever since I was small I've had this power, allowing me to move and understand things without touching them(Understand meaning I can see the past memories attached to that item), sense people and how they feel without them having to tell me; I remember once I even heard a few voices. But of course, I never told anyone.
Esmere isn't supposed to know either yet one day he saw me flipping the pages of a book. He promised not to tell as well.
I know that at night he sits on the roof, trying to do the same as me, and honestly, I don't think he can.
Yet he is always so determined...
I wish I could be like him.

Entering the school, I let my senses roam, searching for Esmere yet I couldn't feel his presence here. It was confusing because he should be here. I walked faster to our classroom just searching, looking for any kind of sign for where he is but he was just... Gone.
As soon as I saw the classroom door I looked in the window for his dark curly hair and golden skin but I couldn't see him anywhere.
He's gone.
I couldn't feel him.
I couldn't see him.
My brother is gone.

The next thing I knew I was running home, heavily hyperventilating, and tears already running down my cheeks. I just have to tell Mom and Dad. They'll know what to do.

But what do I do?
I wondered as I ran, my home now in my sight yet farther than ever.
What can I do to help find my brother? Nothing.
That's what I can do: Nothing.
I'm useless... All I can do is run.
What if we never find him? What if he's gone for good? What will I do then? Just cry and beg for him to come back as I used to when I was a child?
But why would he leave?
Did I do something wrong?
Was I a bad sister?
Was I not paying attention to his feelings enough?
I've been just too stubborn not to with this whole situation we're in...

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