It Was A Bet

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I finally fell asleep safe cuddled up to him.

1st Person POV (Alexandrya)

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" Tony's shout woke Clint and me up.

"Shit, I guess the intruders from last night already got to meet everyone." Clint sighed.

"I suppose we should get down there." The two of us stood up and made our way down to the kitchen.

"Listen, man. We're not here to hurt you. We're here to help you." I jumped down from the vents.

"I told you to stay in your room. You didn't listen." I growled, a knife now pressed against his neck.

"Hey hey hey. Let's calm down." Gamora said. I narrowed my eyes.

"I am Groot." I looked down at the figure pulling on my sleeve.
*(I promise, we mean no harm.)*

I sigh and put my knife away. Quill turns around and faces me.

"What the hell is -" Gamora quickly covers his mouth.

"I apologize for him. He's not the brightest." She says.

"What the hell is going on here?" Tony's shout roused most of the Avenger's and they were now filing into the kitchen.

"We have a warning. Thanos is coming." Gamora says stepping forwards.

"You're the third person to bring him up. This must be serious." Steve says.

"Third?" Bucky asks from the doorway.

"Greenie this morning, Mini Romanoff a couple days ago, and Wi- Lex last night." Clint says. I noticed he was about to call me 'Wings,' but I pushed the sadness away.

"Mini Romanoff?" I ask, looking at Natasha.

"My adopted sister, Yelana. She's not here. She's off recruiting other widows to help us fight Thanos." She explained.

"It is serious." Gamora cut in. She explained who and what he was. The Avengers were left shocked.

"Are you serious?" Bruce asks. I nod.

"Yeah. He wiped out half the elves on Ispen. Almost killing me and my grandmother in the process. If it hadn't been for my father..." I trailed off, thinking.

"We need to be ready to stop him. We need all the people we can get." Thor says.

"MY DAD!" I say excitedly.

"Lex, your father is dead. He dies ages ago, remember?" Loki asks worriedly.

"No, I know. He was holding something over Thanos. If I'm able to figure out what that was, we may be able to stop him." I say excitedly.

"We have a long journey ahead of us then. And a difficult one too." Loki says.

"Hela. She's the goddess of death. She can help." Thor adds.

"She's dead, Thor. We destroyed her, remember?" Loki says.

"No. You missed a lot, brother." Thor responds. I run upstairs and carefully grab the small orb of her magic.

"I'm going to go recruit someone. Be back!" I say as I run out. I focus on the orb in my hands and follow it towards its owner. Magic is always tied to their owner, no matter if it's connected or not.

I finally spot a dark-haired figure sitting beneath a tree.

"Hela!" I shout. She looks at me and scowls.

"Come to taunt me?" She asks sourly.

"No, I need your help. Remember this?" I ask, pulling the orb where she can see it.

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