A Love That Never Bloomed

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TW: Remembrance of rape, homophobic comments, overall a lot of sadness

Bucky wished he knew what she was thinking about, and he wished that smile had stayed a little longer.

3rd Person POV (with Bucky)

He had messed up. He had messed up big time. Oh, how could he have been so stupid? He was too focused on fighting with her and trying to win that he had forgotten who he was supposed to be. He had forgotten that he was The Winter Soldier, not Bucky. Oh, he was so stupid. It was all his fault. He was the one who kicked her away, sending her flying into the wall. It was accidental, yes, but he still did it. But that's not the problem. The problem is what he then did. 

~Flashback like 5 minutes~

He watched as his friend flew (not with her wings) into the wall...hard. Eyes widened in horror as he realized that he was the one who sent her there. Nothing seemed to matter except her. Is she okay? Does she hate me? Oh god, she probably won't talk to me again. No that's stupid, we were training, accidents happen...right? Thoughts raced through his head until,

"ALEXANDRYA!" Her name flew out of his mouth before he could stop it. Not realizing his mistake, he rushed over to her praying she was okay. But when he got there, her eyes were wide with...was that fear? Oh no, please no, she is scared of me. His heart sunk until he realized she was looking over his shoulder. He glanced back and saw the men gathered there. He then realized his mistake. He was supposed to be heartless. He was the Winter Soldier, and she was the Shadow Assassin. They weren't friends. Her healings were supposed to be secret. But he had messed all that up. Heart sinking even further as it filled with dread and fear, he knew what was going to happen. 

~End of Flashback~

Bucky knew he had to keep her secret safe, but how. Before he even had a chance to think, he was flipped over and pinned to the ground. Looking up, he saw her pinning him down. Smirking, she called the match and got off him. 

"Play along." It was so quiet he almost missed it. A small incline of his head, barely noticeable, was his reply.

"You really thought you would win by using that name. That life is gone. I am the Shadow Assassin. Alexandrya is dead." The venom in her voice when she said "that" shocked him, her words struck him. He knew she was pretending, but it was so realistic. His face revealed nothing. Cold. Heartless. That's who he was. Who he had to be. So all he said was,

"Worth a shot. You kept winning." Monotone voice. Empty. Uncaring. It wasn't his though. It was the voice of the Winter Soldier. 

"Not my fault I'm better." Smooth. Cool. Seductive. The voice of the Shadow Assasin. In an instant, he had her pinned against the wall. Legs trapped by his. Wrists pinned above her head by his hand. His knife against her throat.

"Better? I don't think so Shadow." A pause, he wondered what the hell he was doing. It was getting awkward. The tension in the air was thick. She had yet to say anything, she just stood there. Deciding to break the silence, he said,

"Never let your guard down." He let her go. The door opened and they looked. Two guards stood there waiting to take them back to their cell.

3rd Person POV (with Alexandrya)

What in the Nine Realms just happened? Alexandrya was shocked. He played along beautifully, she was sure they convinced the men watching that it was strategy, not a slip-up. But WHAT HAPPENED THERE?! She was extremely confused. She couldn't stop thinking about it even after they reached their cell. She had been pinned many times training with Sold - Jeremy before, but they had never been like that. She thought back to Jeremy, the laughs, the long nights, the friendship...the kiss. She realized something. Something hadn't felt right when he kissed her. She thought about it more, then she thought about growing up back on Asgard. She remembered a friend she had, one she hadn't remembered before. So many memories raced into her mind, until the last one came and then went.

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