You're Wrong

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"Yes, you do. You bring pain with you." I turned and found myself in a familiar room. It was the room Shadow had trapped me in.

1st Person POV (Alexandrya)

I was surrounded by different versions of myself.

"No. I don't bring pain. It wasn't my choice. It wasn't my fault." I said. They all started laughing.

"It was your fault." They spoke as one.

I felt pain in my back. I looked over my shoulder and watched as my wings turned to ash and blew away.

"You deserve this. You never deserved them." They said.

"No. You're wrong. It's not my fault." I said over and over again. They were wrong. A soft voice behind me drew my attention.

"Lex, darling, it's time to go. Come on." I turned around and saw Loki standing there with his hand extended.

"No. I need to take care of this." I said turning away from him.

1st Person POV (Loki)

I took care of what I had to do on Asgard quickly. Thor just needed me to strengthen a weak spot in Asgard's defenses. It was a complex charm though that took energy.

I rested for a day before heading back to Alexandrya. I knew she would need me there.

When I finally returned, I was greeted with unpleasant news.

"Where is Alexandrya?" I asked as Bucky walked past. He looked at me and hesitated.

"If I tell you, I need you to stay calm. Okay?" He said and I nodded. He sighed.

"She's in the Medbay. Bruce said she was trapped in her own mind, even Wanda can't get her out." He said sadly. 

"Maybe I can try?" I asked and his face lit up.

"Maybe you can." He grabbed my arm and pulled me down to the Medbay.

My heart broke when I saw her laying on the table.

"Oh good, Loki. I need you to try and pull Alexandrya out of her mind. It's a lot to explain, but I need you to try." He said, looking relieved.

"I need zero distractions. Can you leave us alone?" I said. Bruce nodded and ushered everyone out.

I lightly placed my hands on Lex's temples. Green magic flowed from my fingertips and I was pulled into her mind.

I immediately recognized where we were. We were in the room that Shadow had trapped Alexandrya in before. What surprised me was the amount of Alexandryas that were there.

"You deserve this. You never deserved them." They said.

"No. You're wrong. It's not my fault." I could tell that she was hurting. I reached out my arm and spoke softly.

"Lex, darling, it's time to go. Come on." I said. She turned to me and smiled sadly.

"No. I need to take care of this." She said and turned away from me.

"You may want to back up. I don't know what's going to happen." She added. I nodded.

1st Person POV (Alexandrya)

I turned back to the Alexandryas in front of me. I took a deep breath and focused on the happy memories.

The day I first met my brothers:

"H-hi! I'm Alexandrya!"

"Hi! My name's Loki and this is Thor. He's my brother."

"My name's Thor and I'm gonna be warrior someday! Father told me!"

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