Mr. Stark, That's Rude

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"It's best if you leave the object alone. The Tesseract's path is not a happy one." I heard the pain in his voice.

1st Person POV (Alexandrya)

"You know where it is. Don't you." I said as I watched him walk away. He turned to face me.

"What?" He asked.

"Please. It's the only way." 

"Very well then. Follow me." He said and led me down a hall. 

We finally arrived in a dark room and I saw Odin's treasures. Loki walked down the rows until he reached the glowing blue cube from the book.

He picked it up and turned to me.

"I will say this once more, The Tesseract's path is not a happy one. Beware of using its power." He extended his hand and I tentatively reached out and grabbed it. 

"Thank you for trusting me. I promise I will remember what you told me." I said. He nodded and we left the room.

I walked over to the Bifrost and bid farewell to Heimdall before returning to Midgard.

As soon as I stepped out of the Bifrost, I walked into the compound. I went straight to the Medbay, to the room fake Neveah was in. It was empty. I heard laughter from up in the common room.

I walked up and opened the door, holding the Tesseract. All heads turned towards me.

Tony was sitting on one couch with the spider child next to him.

Steve, Bucky, and Sam were gone.

Natasha and Clint were sitting together, Clint's head resting lightly on her shoulder.

Scott was sitting on one couch talking to the fake Neveah.

I could see Pietro running laps around outside. 

Wanda and Vision were sitting together on another couch.

Thor walked into the room, a box of Poptarts in hand. He dropped them when his eyes landed on me.

"How did you get that, Alexandrya?" Thor's voice was low.

"Your brother helped me. Now, I need to speak to Neveah." I said looking at the pretender sitting in the room.

"I do not wish to be in the same room as you." She said, looking terrified of the object in my hands. I noticed the fear in her eyes and smiled.

"I know you're not Neveah. She died years ago." I said as I looked at her.

"She's sitting right there. Clearly not dead." Tony said, the kid lightly hit his arm.

"Mr. Stark, that's rude."

"Kid, how many times do I have to tell you call me Tony." He said fake annoyed.

"Until you stop calling me kid." Peter said smirking.

"Her mind is confused. She does not appear to be Neveah." Wanda said, her eyes red. Vision nodded.

"I have to agree with Tony. Neveah is right here." Bruce said as he walked in.

Thor looked conflicted. 

"No. Lex is right. Neveah died fighting Hela." He looked like he was trying to fight something in his head.

Scott stood up and looked at me.

"I believe you. You've never given me a reason not to trust you before." I smiled at him.

I saw movement and I noticed Natasha and Clint were signing back and forth. Natasha saw me looking and said

"Clint's hearing aids broke. I'm filling him in."

*We both believe you too.* Clint signed to me.

*Thank you.* I signed back. I held the Tesseract up.

"Listen here. You can either give it up now and reveal who you are, or I can do it for you." I said as I looked straight at her.

"I have nothing to reveal." She said angrily. I smiled

"Then you leave me with no choice." I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to an empty room.

I held the Tesseract up and looked her in the eyes.

"Last chance" She looked at me nervously before shouting

"FINE!" A harsh green glow filled the room.

A stunning women stood before me. Jet black hair fell down past her shoulders. A long dark green cape hung from her shoulders. She wore a skintight black suit with silver accents.

"Who are you?" I asked as I looked at her.

"My brothers could never kill me. They only delay the inevitable. I am Hela, Queen of Asgard."

"You. You killed her. You killed her and then had the nerve to pretend to be her? WHY?" I shouted.

"I needed to get close to you. I needed you to let your guard down. Just like you've done." I watched as a long black sword suddenly tried to stab me. But it stopped before it could touch me. Her eyes widened.

A crystal blue sword was up against it. She tried again. I blocked her sword again. She threw daggers, spears, swords, anything she could at me, but I blocked it all. 

"You're supposed to be dead. But I won't kill you. I think the better thing would be to do this." I said as I raised the Tesseract and placed it against her chest.

"No. Please." She whispered.

The Tesseract glowed and a small orb of green power was pulled from her chest.

"You are not fit to be a Queen or even a Goddess, Hela. You do not deserve these powers. I shall not kill you, but you are now powerless." I said as I turned and walked away. 

I silently handed the Tesseract to Thor and took the orb of Hela's powers up into my room and locked them in a vibranium safe.

I walked back down and motioned to Thor.

"Thor, there's someone you should see." I led him to the room and left them to talk.

I walked back into the common room and sat down by Scott. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I shook my head and lay my head down on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

"Umm...excuse me. Miss Alexandrya?" I opened my eyes and saw Peter looking at me.

"What's up, araña?" (spider) I said.

"Mr. Stark says that I have to have supervision to go patrolling today because I got shot last week and I wanted to see your powers and I was wondering if you would come out with me? Only if you want to of course." He rambled. I smiled.

"Of course, when are we leaving?" I asked.

"After dinner. I usually patrol at night. That's when most of the crimes happen." He said.

"Okay, sounds good. Wake me up when it's dinner." I said as I lay my head back on Scott's shoulder and closed my eyes.

I could feel Scott's hand running through my hair.

I heard Thor walk in and say

"She always loved physical contact. Her home was so cold. I am not surprised that she still seeks out contact." 

I simply said

"Shut up, Thor." Everyone started laughing.

I finally felt like I had a home. Like I had a family.

A/N: There's Chapter 39! I honestly never expected to still be writing this story.

I'm thinking of writing an Irondad and Spiderson story. Lmk if that's something you'd be interested in. And if so, would you like a Wrong Number style story or just a generic one.

Hope you enjoyed this Chapter!

Love y'all! <3

Kari (pen name)

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