I'm The Goddess Of Truth, I Can't Lie

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TW: Torture, sadness, mentions of rape

The Winter Soldier and The Shadow Assassin. Bucky and Alexandrya. Both mourning a love that never bloomed. A minute they never had.

3rd Person POV (Alexandrya)

The doors clanged open and Bucky was immediately taken out. Alexandrya stood there, shaking in fear, as she stared at the guard left. 

"Miss me, sweetheart?" His voice dripped poison down her veins. Oily and slimy. She tried not to let him see how much he scared her, but she could tell she was failing as his smirk widened into an evil grin. Stepping inside the cell, he said

"Come on, sweetheart. Where'd that attitude go? Let's have a little fun together." Shaking her head no, Alexandrya walked further away from him.

"Playing hard to get, huh? Well, at least it'll be more fun than last time." Luckily at that moment, Doctor rounded the corner.

"Ivor. What did I say? You were to bring Shadow to me. You can have your fun later." With that, Doctor grabbed Alexandrya and dragged her off. 

"Don't worry, sweetheart, I'll wait here for you." The guard, who she now knew as Ivor, called after her. They lead her to the room she hated. She froze, not wanting to go back there.

"Come on darling, don't make this worse." She followed him to the table and was confused when they attached wires with sticky pads all over her. She heard familiar beeps and felt her magic rush to her.

They then lead her to a similar room to when she first used her magic and had her do almost the same things. Alexandrya didn't complain, it was an excuse to use her magic. Then a group of dummy soldiers showed up and they had her fight them. She had her daggers and her magic.

She easily took them down in no time. Or she thought she did. She screamed in pain when something pierced her wing. She threw her dagger at the hidden dummy and looked at her wing. An arrow protruded from it. How is that possible? She was confused. She had used water to create a thin, but extremely strong, layer of armor around herself. Then she realized what was missing. That rush of energy from her magic was gone. 

Her wings gave out and she plummeted to the ground, crashing over one of the dummies onto the ground. No one said anything. No one helped her. She was just lifted up and dragged back to her cell...where Ivor was waiting for her. 

"Oh you look so pretty helpless, sweetheart. You ready for me to take care of you." He smirked and walked closer to her. Alexandrya barely had the strength to fight him off. He walked over to her, only to have a fist hit his face. 

"I told you once, she's mine." Ivor looked at Bucky in terror. Nodding and scrambling out of the cell without another word. Alexandrya breathed a sigh of relief, Bucky was back. But he just walked towards her, a dead haunted look in his eyes.

Shit. She thought to herself. They wiped him again. Reaching up to him she grabbed his arm and pulled, forcing him to sit. She tapped into her emergency supply of magic and let it flow through his mind. She brought back as many memories as she could for him before exhaustion from overusing her magic combined with blood loss took over and she hit the floor, unconscious. 

3rd Person POV (Bucky)

As her magic flowed through him, Bucky felt himself coming back to himself. It stopped abruptly. Opening his eyes, he looked around the cell, blinking, until his gaze landed on the small figure collapsed on the floor next to him.

"Silly elf, you can't use that much energy." No response, not even a groan or a small movement. Worry crept in. Alexandrya normally was a very light sleeper. She should have responded. 

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