Alexandrya Miadottir

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A/N: Hey guys! This is my first fanfic so bear with me. I've had this story in my head for a while and thanks to another author I found, SimplyMarvellousxoxo (You should go check them out), they gave me some courage to actually start writing. Enjoy! Also, the pictures are just Marvel headcanons I found funny. They don't relate to the chapter.

"Come on, Darling, just breathe," His frantic whispers filled the room. Cough cough cough. Her hoarse voice followed,

"Xander, my love, we knew this day would come. Yes, it's come sooner than we expected, but we have been preparing. Alexandrya needs you." In truth, it broke Mia's heart to leave her baby girl. But Mia knew to just be grateful for the 5 years she had with Alex.

"But, Mia, she can't grow up without a mom. Mia, Alexandrya needs a mom." Xander's heart broke more with every rattling breath Mia took, but he knew that she was right. It was time for Alexandrya to say goodbye before Mia left.

"Mama?" The toddler's voice rang through the room. "Dada, why so sad?" Xander watched with tears streaming down his face as his 5-year-old daughter ran to her mother's bedside. 

"Mama time to get up!" Alexandrya smiled. She and her mother played a game like this a lot. Mia would pretend to sleep so she could get extra hugs from Alexandrya. Alexandrya's smile faded as her mother didn't wake up.

"Dada, why Mama not waking up?" 

"Well baby, Mama's taking a trip and needs her rest." 

"Where's she going?"

"She's going to Valhalla."

"Oh, can we visit her?" Her hopeful voice broke Xander completely. 

"No baby, Mama is gonna be gone for a long time. We won't see her."

"No. Mama no leave. Please. Dada, why Mama hafta go?" 

"Because it's her time."

"Oh. Okay! Bye Mama, have fun on your trip!" In truth, Alexandrya had already figured out that her mother was dying. She just played along for her dad.

~~~~~~~~Time Skip: 1 Month~~~~~~~~

"HEY LEX!" Thor's voice rang throughout the field. Normally Alexandrya would be ecstatic to see her two bestest friends on the whole planet, hell even the whole universe, but not today. She had just gotten back from her mother's funeral. It was very small. Only her, Xander, and Queen Frigga (Mia's oldest friend) attended. She turned around and looked at Thor and Loki who was following behind, dried tear tracks running down her face, and started crying again. Seeing her distress, Loki and Thor ran faster to her and soon Alexandrya was engulfed in a warm hug.

"Lex, what's wrong?" Loki was very worried about his best friend. Then he remembered what day it was. 

"Sh-she's r-really gone, Lokes. She's n-not c-coming b-b-back." Alexandrya burst into sobs and clung to the two boys harder. They said nothing, just held her back. Both grieving with their friend. Both boys knew Alexandrya's mother, and both knew how hard it was for Alexandrya to lose her. All they knew was that they were going to have to be strong for their broken friend.

~~~~~~~~Time Skip: 100 years~~~~~~~~

"Thor, have you seen Lex?" Frigga's voice carried to Thor's room. 

"I believe she's out flying with Loki."

"SHE'S WHAT?!?! AND SHE TOOK MY SON?! I'M GONNA KILL THAT IDIOTIC ELF IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!" (A/N sorry, but I hate Odin. He's a bitch *insert Steve's "Language"*) Odin screamed. Thor winced, he knew his dad hated the elves, but he never understood why. Just then, Loki and Alexandrya walked into the palace. 

"Ahhh Loki, I believe we are late for your magic lesson." Frigga smiled warmly at her son. As they walked away, Alexandrya was left with Odin. SLAP! His hand connected with her face.

"If you ever go near either of my sons again, I'll make sure it's the last thing you ever do. I will not have you hurting them, elf." He spat the last word with so much venom, Alexandrya knew she had to leave. Without a second thought, she ran home. Unlocked the door and ran to her room. Her father wasn't home, he hardly ever was these days. He mourned Mia's death so much and spent many days out drinking and gambling. Alexandrya hasn't seen him in 20 years. But she gets by, barely. She is hardly the bouncing energetic child she once was. The only time the boys ever see her smile is when she's flying or just out in nature.

Lex? Are you alright? Where are you? Loki's voice entered her mind. She tried to push him out, but he was stronger, and his worry shone through. I went home for the night Lokes, don't worry about me.

Truth was, she had been alone for a while and she was fine with that. But no matter what, these boys would forever be her best friends and they'd always be by her side.

~~~~~~~~Time Skip: 150 Years~~~~~~~~

"I'm sorry Little Lex, but I can't live like this." It was rare for Alexandrya to see her father these days. Him coming home was a surprise to her. But when he said that, she paled. 

"Daddy, no. I don't know what you mean. I'm trying so hard. Just come home. We can be a family again and everything will be okay." She pleaded. She knew it was the alcohol, but she also wasn't sure. 

"FAMILY?! I LOST MY FAMILY THE DAY YOUR MOTHER DIED! IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT. YOU JUST HAD TO HAVE WINGS. YOU JUST HAD TO RUIN HER IMMUNE SYSTEM. SHE WOULD HAVE SURVIVED IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU!" Xander stormed out of the house. Alexandrya slid down the wall. Was it her fault? Of course it was. Who was she kidding? She sighed and fell into a restless sleep.

"Rya...Xandrya...ALEXANDRYA!" She bolted awake. Loki was there. Grief in his eyes. 

"Lokes? What's wrong?" She questioned, fear in her heart. 

"You need to run. Hide. Odin's coming." Those last two words made her face pale. She got up and spread her wings and was ready to leap out the window when a hand grabbed her foot. She turned around to see Odin's pissed-off face. He dragged her outside and started screaming.

"MURDERER!!! I KNEW I SHOULD NEVER HAVE TRUSTED YOU! YOU DIRTY, DISGUSTING MURDERER!!" She looked behind him to see Xander on the ground. Dead.

"Screw the peace treaty. Alexandrya Miadottir, I, Odin Allfather, banish you from Asgard. Shall you return, you will die." It was like a brand in her mind. All she saw was the colors of the Bifrost, then...nothing.

A/N: Hey guys, Chapter 1 is done! I want to actually explain who Alexandrya is. Alexandrya Miadottir is the daughter of Xander (the Elven lord of money, gambling, and luck) and Mia Nevadottir (the Asgardian goddess of peace, stability, and love). Alexandrya, being half Elven and half Asgardian, is the Elven lady of water and the sea, and the Asgardian goddess of truth, and promises.

In my story, Elves have a hierarchy where the higher up Elves are called lords and ladies and have "magic", basically the same as an Asgardian godhead. Elves do not have last names, and they are very accepting beings. All Elves have pointed ears, wings (unless they've been removed), and carry a noticeable ethereal grace. 

Asgardians are like in Marvel movies (I haven't read the comics). The higher-ups are gods and goddesses. Many Asgardians do not like Elves very much, but due to a peace treaty signed long ago, Odin can do nothing about it. Being half Elven and half Asgardian is a struggle for Alexandrya.

Alexandrya has long purple-black hair. Her eyes are lavender purple. She has the pointed ears and wings that all Elves have. Her wings are pale blue, and shimmer like rainbows whenever the light hits them. She is able to cast illusions like Loki and tends to hide her wings and ears in fear of being tormented by the Asgardians.

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