Murdering Who?

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I just hope he won't hate me once he sees who I really am.

3rd Person POV (Avengers - this happens at the same time as the last chapter)

"PEPPER IF YOU WOULD JUST LISTEN TO ME!" Tony's shout rang through the room. Pepper stayed silent, waiting for him to continue.

"She was in the same position Barnes was. She was tortured, Pep. Tortured. She didn't want to hurt anyone." Tony looked at Pepper with disapproval in his eyes. pepper, in return, looked ashamed.

"Oh." She whispered.

"Do you know what I saw when I went up to get her?" Bucky asked.

"She was doubting herself. She didn't want to show her true self because she didn't want you to be scared of her. She thinks she's a monster and now you've made her think she was right all along. I was making progress. What she went through was shit. It was worse than me because she wasn't brainwashed. She was tortured into listening to them. They twisted her mind. I had managed to convince her that it was okay to look like herself and you probably just ruined that."

Bucky turned and walked out the door, desperate to find his friend. Steve and Natasha ran after him. 

Pepper turned to Tony,

"I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"I know you didn't, Pep. But I was trying to tell you. You weren't listening to me." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

There was a flash of light from outside. 

"Great, just great. The last thing I need is for those two to be here. How the hell am I supposed to say 'Oh I have no idea where your friend is, my wife just scared her off.' and keep Loki from murdering you?" Tony said.

"Murdering who?" Loki and Thor walked into the room.

"No one. Listen Reindeer Games, why don't you and Point Break go sit down with the others while I go get Cap, Nat, and Bucky. Alright?" Tony summoned his suit and was about to leave before Loki stopped him.

"Where is Lex?"

"Uhhh. Ummm. Well...about that......" Tony trailed off.

"TELL ME!" (A/N: sorry :( )

"We don't exactly know," Tony admitted.

"Loki, come sit down. We'll explain. Pep, you and Morgan should head out. It's getting late." Wanda said.

Pepper didn't need anymore telling. She picked up Morgan, pecked Tony's cheek, and left. Tony also left, taking off hoping to find her. He assumed she'd be flying, he was right...sort of.

After Wanda told the two what happened, Thor and Loki were furious. 

Later, the four came back. Alexandrya wasn't with them.

"Where is she?" Thor shouted. 

"We couldn't find her." Natasha's head was hung, she missed her friend already.

"I should have tried harder to stop her, Steve. I'm the Winter Soldier. I have a freaking METAL ARM! I could've grabbed her, or run after her." 

"Buck, we both know that if she didn't want to be caught she wasn't going to." Steve and Bucky walked in, Bucky looked almost in tears.

"Oh Little Lex, where did you go?" Loki whispered to himself.

~~ Time Skip - 1 week ~~

(With the Avengers)

We still hadn't found her. She wasn't in New York, but she couldn't have gotten far...right?

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