Ma'am Are You Alright?

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A/N: Soooo, this may be a trigger warning. I'm not sure. There's talk of a panic attack. It'll be marked before and once it's over. Enjoy the chapter!

It was like a brand in her mind. All she saw was the colors of the Bifrost, then...nothing.

Alexandrya was falling. It felt like forever. She was falling, and falling, and falling, and then CRASH! She slammed into something hard. Groaning, Alexandrya sat up and looked around. She was in a narrow street of sorts. (A/N underlined are thoughts) What was it that these are called on Midgard? OH right, alleys! She patted herself on the back, turns out all those Midgard knowledge classes I took on Asgard weren't pointless. As she stood up, her legs gave out. She flared her wings ready to catch herself when someone caught her.

"Woah, ma'am are you alright?" A voice asked. Immediately, Alexandrya threw on her illusions. Covering up her wings and ears, changing her purple-black hair to a dirty blonde, and turning her eyes to a chocolate brown. She then turned to face her unknown attacker, fists raised and ready, but she was met with a small scrawny boy. Maybe 5'8", very obviously shy, but kind looking altogether. His hands were raised in surrender and he looked ready to take the hit.

"I can take it if you need to get it out of your system." He said, confirming her guess a second later. Realizing he wasn't going to hurt her, Alexandrya lowered her fists and simply stared at the boy in wonder. He seemed to realize she wasn't going to hit him and opened his eyes. DAMN! Was her first thought as his baby-blue eyes opened. She was lost in the beautiful color, in fact, she almost didn't realize he was talking to her.


"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry."

"Oh, no worries! My name's Steve Rogers!" He stuck his hand out, Alexandrya took it and smiled

"Nice to meet you Steve, I'm - " She couldn't tell him her name, he might report her to Odin. Then she remembered the name she went by back home. Sometimes the name Alexandrya was too close to her father's name and she needed her own name. "Hannah. Hannah Lewis!" Steve laughed.

"Forgot your name? Sure took you a second to think of it." He said it in a teasing way, but he didn't realize that Alexandrya did not understand that and thought he was being serious. She paled visibly and stuttered out,

"O-oh, right. S-sorry about that. I'm still a bit disoriented from my travels." Wasn't a complete lie, but wasn't the full truth.


"Don't worry about it, I was joking. Must have been some travel though. You weren't there, then CRASH-" He made a big clapping hand gesture to go with the word "-and then a flash of light and there you were." She panicked, He saw the Bifrost? Oh god, is he gonna turn me into Odin? Am I about to die? She couldn't stop the thoughts racing through her brain. She started hyperventilating. Odin was going to find her, he'd kill her. He'd take her wings from her too. God no. Not her wings. So many thoughts were racing through her brain. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. She couldn't help it. She couldn't breathe. He's going to take the one thing I have left of dad. Thor and Loki would be disappointed. God, they probably hate her now.

Steve realized that she was having a panic attack and froze, he had no idea how to help with one of those. He racked his brain, quickly, until his thoughts landed on one person.

"Hey Hannah, just hold tight for a second. I'll be right back." He was true to his word and was back in no time, with a friend.

"Buck, I have no idea what to do. She started having a panic attack and I don't know what to do." Steve was really worried. He didn't know how to help her, and yet he wanted to do nothing more than hold her until she calmed down. But he knew that wasn't what needed to be done.

"Relax Steve. You did great. I've got it." Steve nodded and Bucky approached Alexandrya.

"Steve, what's her name?" Bucky asked quietly, so as not to startle the poor girl anymore.

"She said her name was Hannah."

"Okay, thanks, Steve." Bucky turned his attention to the hyperventilating girl in the corner of the alley.

"Hey Hannah," He said softly and calmly "my name's James Barnes, but my friend calls me Bucky. You can call me Bucky too if you want. Listen I know that something sent you into a spiral, believe me, I know, but I need you to focus. On my voice, on my face, anything other than those thoughts." He approached her and gently took her hands from where they had been digging into her wrists, leaving crescent moons dotted with blood behind.

"Steve, go grab me a First-Aid kit please," Bucky said softly. As Steve ran off, Bucky moved one of Lex's hands to his chest.

"Okay doll, I'm gonna need you to match my breathing. Can you do that for me?" USELESS! MURDERER! YOU KILLED YOUR MOTHER AND YOUR FATHER! UNGRATEFUL ELF! NO ONE CARES! The thoughts slowly subsided, until one thought remained. One burning question. Where are my wings?

"ey...hey...Hey!" a voice startled her back into reality. It wasn't Steve's, no. Steve's voice was flowing and soft and it carried the melody. This voice was heavier and smooth and it was the harmony. The hands on hers were foreign. She didn't know who's they were. Immediately she backed away. Bucky let her go.

"Who, who are you?" Alexandrya questioned.

"Names James Barnes. Friends call me Bucky." He smiled. She immediately smiled back. Bucky's - no James's, she can't call him Bucky, they aren't friends - smile is contagious. Steve came running back. At the heavy footsteps, Alexandrya curled into herself more but soon relaxed when she saw it was Steve. He smiled when he saw her breathing was back to normal, and she wasn't crying very hard anymore. He ran up to the elf and engulfed her in a hug, the band-aids in his hand forgotten.

*Panic Attack Over*

"Steve, did you get the band-aids or forget halfway and came back to have me remind you what you were getting?" Bucky reminded his friend, teasingly.

"Oh my goodness, Buck. That happened one time, ONE TIME!" Steve laughed, "but yeah here they are." he pulled out the band-aids he grabbed and gave them to Bucky. Bucky looked over to Alexandrya, who was still being half hugged by Steve and said

"Okay Steve, I also need you to let go of Hannah now. I need to bandage her wrists." Reluctantly, the two let go of each other and she showed her wrists to Bucky.

"Ummmmm, Hannah. How are your wrists already healed?" Bucky was very confused. Not even two minutes ago there were cuts from her fingernails and now they're completely healed. Alexandrya paled. How am I going to explain this one? I should probably just tell them the truth, they deserve to know.

"Well, I guess there's something I need to tell you both." She started nervously. "255 years ago, on a planet far from here, a baby was born..."

A/N: End of Chapter 2!! Sorry that it was so long, but I hope you guys like it! I've been writing and rewriting this chapter in my head so many times. I like how it turned out. Hope you guys do too!

Also, please do not come at me for the way I described her panic attack. I just described what happens when I have a panic attack (this one being a mild one). They are different for everyone, this is how I wanted to describe it.

As for my updating schedule, right now I'm still on summer break so I'll probably update twice a week. Not on any specific days, but there will probably be two updates a week. Once school starts it'll probably be once a week. (Though the beginning of the year might be different.) You know what, how about this: I'll update once a week and maybe two or three if I feel like it. :)

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