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"Lex?" A familiar voice said. I looked up into emerald green eyes and gasped,


3rd Person POV (Alexandrya)

It was him. The long, wavy, jet-black hair. The green and black tunic and pants. Those emerald green eyes. It was Loki. Her mind knew that it was just a dream though, he wasn't really there.

He just stared at her. Neither saying anything, just looking. She assessed her surroundings. They were in a...cloud? The walls were soft-looking and had a rosy white coloring. The stars shone and twinkled above them. It smelled like fresh Spring flowers with a hint of rain. Wherever they were, it was beautiful. She stood there in awe of the place until Dream Loki finally broke the silence by saying,

"Fantastic. Truly incredible. Now you're in my dreams too. Well, at least I get to talk to you." This left Alexandrya confused.

"I'm in your dreams?" 

"Indeed you are, darling. Dreaming happens when one is asleep." He chuckled softly to himself.

"I didn't intend for this to happen. I'm sorry. I'm afraid I don't know how to leave though."

"Well, seeing as it is my dream, I suppose you'll leave once I wake up. Though I must admit I enjoy your company. Even if you're a figment of my imagination."

"What, no. You're a figment of my imagination." She emphasized the words, trying to get Dream Loki to stop trying to convince her she wasn't real. Now it was his turn to look puzzled until his face lit up in realization.

"No, wait. Your mother was a dreamwalker. She visited my mother in her sleep when Frigga was having nightmares. You must have inherited the ability. But how are you doing it from so far away?" Loki questioned.

"I'm not sure. Last thing I remember was the irons and then Bucky's arm and the extreme pain. I must have passed out. Shit! Bucky must be freaking out. I've gotta go back." She started to try and wake up until two hands grabbed hers.

"What do you mean by extreme pain?" Loki sat them down so they were eye level. Alexandrya immediately averted her eyes, looking down at the ground. 

"I-I don't know w-what you m-mean," She stuttered out. Keeping her eyes anywhere but him.

"Did you really just lie to the God of Lies?" He asked and she could hear the smile in his words. His cool hand gently lifted her face up to meet his eyes and he asked

"What's happened to you?" as he finally noticed the emptiness in her once joy-filled eyes. The lack of her contagious smile. She was thankful that her injuries didn't show here or else Loki would be furious. Knowing that she couldn't hide the truth from him, she shakily began.

She told him about meeting Steve and Bucky in the alleyway. She told him about Doctor and the collar. About how he hid her memories of them. About Sol - Jeremy, training, flying, her escape attempt, and the kiss. About the guard who raped her and being reunited with Bucky. About remembering Neveah and telling Bucky. She didn't tell him that Bucky was also gay as that wasn't her place to tell. She told him about the day he came back and forgot who she was. About the mission. About the children. About the torture. She told him everything.

By the end, she was in tears, and so was he. They held on to each other, neither wanting to lose the other. Loki told her about everything that had happened since she was banished. He told her how Odin had forbidden him and Thor from traveling to Midgard, but he promised he would try and find a way to get to her. Though they both knew it would take a while. Odin hated her and would never let his sons near her again.

As they sat there talking, she felt happy. Her best friend was here with her. She wished Thor was too.

"Next time I visit, I'll try and bring Thor too. I think the only way I was able to visit you was because of how extreme the feeling was and I was passed out and you slept at the same time. I'm going to practice with Bucky though and try to get the hang of it. I hope we'll see each other soon." She smiled at the thought of seeing them both again.

"As much as I love seeing you again, I wish it wasn't because of extreme pain." He smiled sadly at her. 

"I know, but I'd gladly go through it all again to see you two. Maybe I'll introduce you to Bucky." The land started to flicker around them. 

"One of us is waking up. I'm sorry, darling, but this is where we part." Loki said sorrowfully.

"No. Nononono. I don't wanna go. I want to stay here with you. Please. Please don't go." She held onto him tighter. Crying into his chest. 

"I know. I know. But I promise you, Lex, I will see you again." He started to fade away, but not before he kissed her forehead and whispered,

"I love you, little sister. Never forget that." And with that, he disappeared.

Alexandrya jolted awake, sitting up fast, and instantly regretting it. Her back spiked with pain and she let out a loud hiss. Bucky, having stayed awake to make sure she didn't die, noticed her sad expression and pulled her into a hug, careful of her back.

"Shhhhhh. It's okay, doll. It's okay."

"I miss him. Both of them. I want to go home." She cried harder into Bucky's chest, wishing it were Loki's. She needed him.

"I know, doll. I know." He held onto her as she cried. She let out a small laugh and said

"It seems like this is our nightly routine now. One of us crying which leads to both of us crying." Bucky let out a hollow chuckle.

"It does seem that was doesn't it, doll? What's got you in tears tonight, if I may ask?" Her breath caught in her throat. 

"I...I saw him."

"Saw who?"

"Loki." She told him about visiting him in his dreams. About talking to him. She told him what she had told Loki. About what happened, about her being a dreamwalker, about visiting again.

"Would you be okay if I practiced with you? If on certain nights I visited your dreams?"

"As long as you tell me in advance." She smiled and said

"Of course."

"Then I'd be happy to help, but not tonight. Tonight we both just need to sleep." Alexandrya laughed softly and agreed. Bucky climbed into the bed with her and held her close. She held him close too. Both seeking comfort in the other.

As Alexandrya lay with Bucky, she promised to herself I will see you again, Loki. I hope it is soon. I miss you.

Bucky held Alexandrya close. After he felt her fall asleep, he allowed the tears to run down his face. He was happy to hear that she had found a way to talk to her friend, her brother. But he was worried she would forget him. He worried that Loki would find a way to get her out and he would be stuck on his own. He lay there with his thoughts, crying until sleep took him too.

A/N: There's Chapter 14! I was too excited for this chapter to not write it today. I have been waiting to have her and Loki talk for so long and it finally felt like a good time to do so.

Anyways hope you enjoyed!

Love y'all! <3

Kari (pen name)

Good morning, afternoon, evening, night.

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