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"Who's coming, Lex?" He asked.


1st Person POV (Alexandrya)

"Who?" Bucky asked. I went to speak but there were more crashes outside. Followed by more electricity. I whimpered again, feeling the electricity from the collar.

Bucky realized what was happening and wrapped his arms around me. He covered my ears so I couldn't hear the storm and hid my face in his chest so I couldn't see the flashes.

Sorry, darling. Thor and I just returned. He is moving the storm away now. Loki said in my mind. I tried to speak back, but my ability to had been taken away with my wings.

That is not entirely true. I can still read your thoughts. You just aren't able to read mine anymore. Loki explained.

You can hear me? I thought.

I can indeed.

Wait, you're back? Where are you? I asked him.

I am next to you and the Seargent. I stood up and out of Bucky's arms. Sure enough, Loki was there. He smiled at me and opened his arms. I gladly accepted and wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm sorry it took so long. This storm was bigger than most. It was rather difficult to move it away. But it is gone!" Thor exclaimed as he entered the room. I turned to him and wrapped my arms around him as well. His warm embrace surrounded me and I couldn't help but smile.

For a moment, I had forgotten about the Titan. I had forgotten about his words. Then Tony spoke up.

"Who's Thanos? You said he was coming?" I turned to look at him.

"Thanos is not a being you want to mess with. He is a Titan. He is powerful and he is dangerous." Loki spoke before I could say anything.

"Great, another evil being hellbent on destroying life. Can we catch a break?" Tony sighed.

"Language, Tony. Also, can we save the evil dominating alien discussion for a reasonable time? I may be an early riser, but 4 am is early for me." Steve said.

"Sounds good. We'll wait for the rest of the team too." Bucky said. Everyone headed back to their rooms. I entered mine and immediately was hit with another memory.


"Mimi, what's happening?"  I asked, clutching my grandmother's hand. I couldn't have been older than four. Screams rose from the villagers.

There were strange men surrounding us. My grandmother picked me up and started to fly away but one of the men shot at her. She dodged the bullet but lost her grip on me. I slipped from her arms and fell down towards the ground.

"ALEX!" She screamed as I fell, turning to fly down to catch me. I was crying. Falling faster and faster until someone caught me. It wasn't my grandmother. I opened my eyes and saw a large purple man.

"Hello, child." He said. I was scared.

"Lex, don't trust him. He's a bad guy." I turned towards Mimi's voice and saw that she was being restrained by two men.

"Bad guy?" I asked, looking back at him.

"No, child. I am helping." He held something out towards me. It was a knife. I backed away from it.

"It's okay, take it. See how it balances." He said demonstrating its balance to me.

"Life needs to have this balance. I am helping it achieve the balance." He said and held the blade towards me again. I shook my head.

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