Memories and Magic

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Lulled by her steady breathing and calming heartbeat, he too fell asleep.

3rd Person POV 

As dawn rose, the two quickly awoke from sleep and separated. Bucky returning to playing the cold character he was supposed to. Alexandrya only somewhat pretending to be distressed at seeing her friend in such a state, she didn't need to pretend very hard as most of it was real. As their door slowly opened, the two braced themselves for whatever lay in store for them today. 

A guard they hadn't seen before tossed two outfits into the cell, told them to get dressed, and slammed the door shut. Alexandrya and Bucky dressed in silence. Alexandrya had seen this suit before, it was her training suit. Memories of training with Sold - no Jeremy - flooded back to her.


"Can you show me how you fly?" Alexandrya smiled.

"I'll need a bigger room." Her answer had Soldier almost jumping with joy. 

He lead Alexandrya to another room, this one had a much higher ceiling and a lot more open space. Alexandrya smiled with anticipation, she hadn't flown since the day she was banished from Asgard and her wings were aching. She saw a ledge on one of the walls and walked over to it.

"You can just stay there and watch." She told Soldier while running to the ledge. Nimbly climbing the side, she pulled herself up onto the ledge. She opened and closed her pale-blue wings, shimmering with rainbows as the sunlight hit them, a few times to find the rhythm. Once she found her rhythm, she jumped into the air. She laughed her first real laugh since coming to Midgard as she felt the familiar feelings of flying. She could feel the wind gently brushing her back, the warmth of the sunlight that was so rare to come by in this awful place, and the freedom of the skies. As she landed and looked back at Soldier, she saw his face was lit up in awe. She walked over to him and said,

"Thank you for allowing me to fly, it is most appreciated."

~~~Time Skip to next memory~~~

The clashing of swords filled the room. For a while, that was all one could hear until,

"HAH! I've finally beaten you!" Alexandrya was filled with excitement that she had finally beaten Soldier. It had been 3 months since she met Soldier and every time they trained, she had lost. 

"Yes well done, except you forgot one thing. Never let your guard down." And with that, Soldier spun them around so Alexandrya was pressed to the wall, hands pinned above her head, Soldier's legs pinning her, and his blade against her throat. She groaned in frustration.

"You couldn't let me win? I've never beaten you." Soldier just chuckled

"If you hadn't stopped before we called the match, you would have won. You just need to be a little more patient."

"If I was using my magic I would have beaten you in no time."

"But you can't always rely on your magic. You need to be able to rely on your strength just as much, if not more, than your magic." Alexandrya sighed, she knew he was right.

"It's not like I can even use my magic anyways. It's always locked up." Her hands lightly pulled on the collar clasped around her throat. It never came off. She'd been on a couple of missions and they still weren't letting her use her magic. 

"I know." Soldier walked over to Alexandrya and placed a comforting arm on her shoulders. Pushing his arm away, Alexandrya asked,

"Can I fly today?" Soldier smiled and lead her to the room she'd been using to work on flying. They added obstacles and targets for her to hit. She'd gotten quite good. Today they were going to have her take down moving targets that were firing at her. 

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