Promise Me Something?

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"Hail HYDRA."

1st Person POV (Alexandrya)

Those two words scared the shit out of me. I had to wait and see if they knew who I was though.

"Sir, please remove your hand before I remove it for you." I said, keeping my voice calm.

"So after all these years, you finally got a bit of bite. Well Shadow, it's time to come home." Shit shit shit. They knew who I was.

"Shadow? I'm afraid I am not them. My name is -" 

"Alexandrya Miadottir. Cut the shit, it's time to go." He started to drag me away. I looked around, we were in a secluded alleyway with no one around. Perfect.

I grabbed his arm with my other hand, the metal one, and twisted. I heard a small *POP* and then he hissed in pain.

"Oh, you'll pay for that you bitch." He said, pulling out his gun.

I chuckled and pulled out my daggers. Using the water in the air, granted it wasn't very clean, I formed the layer of protection. I had yet to use my actual armor, the Elven one, it seemed easier and more convenient to use the water.

I made eye contact with the man, letting him make the first move. Almost immediately, he aimed his gun and shot. I dodged it and attacked. He fought back. It wasn't long before it was clear I was winning. He had gotten a few good shots in that the water protection hadn't caught somehow, but they were all minor injuries.

Then he whistled. I was confused until I saw the other men circling me.

Shit shit shit shit. I thought to myself. I didn't know if I was gonna make it out of this one.

My magic flowed through me and I felt the promise magic calling to me. I couldn't do it. Yes, they were bad, but I hated taking away people's free will. It was the collar that set me off. I saw one of the men walking towards me with the dreaded collar in his hands. Once it went around my neck, I would be doomed. I made a quick decision.

"Promise me something?" I said, not letting my voice wobble. I watched as my magic took hold of all of them. It was the leader that stepped forwards.

"Anything." He said, the rest of them nodding their agreement.

"Promise that you'll leave me alone and turn yourselves into SHEILD and answer any questions they have truthfully and completely?" 

"We promise." And with that, they left. I walked out of the alley, staggering. I had used a lot of energy on all those people. Realization hit me at what I had done. Tears started to leak from my eyes. 

I couldn't believe I had done that. I sat down on the sidewalk and buried my face in my knees, crying. I felt a hand on my shoulder, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. A gentle hand lifted my chin so I met their eyes.

It was Carter. Michael was standing behind him.

"How much did you see?" I asked.

"Who were those people?" Michael asked.

"Michael, not now. We saw everything. You've got some pretty good moves and some persuasive skills, but that's not important. What's important is that we get those cuts taken care of." He said, motioning at where the bullet had grazed my leg and arm. 

Michael brought a First-Aid Kit from their car and began to clean the two cuts on my leg. 

"Luckily neither of them need stitches." He said after bandaging them. 

"The one on your arm looks rather nasty though." Michael pointed to the cut on my lower left arm. It was right near the top of my glove.

"Nah it's okay. You don't need to worry about it." I said, not wanting to risk him figuring out about my hand.

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