I Was There Too

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TW: Mentions of rape, mentions of torture and pain, sadness

It was that night when a scream woke me up.

1st Person POV (Alexandrya)

I immediately shot out of bed. Then I heard a crash. I ran out of my room and saw Steve run out of his room with Bucky behind him.

"Lex, get back in your room. This isn't Bucky. It's the Winter Soldier." Steve shouts when he sees me.

I don't run back to my room. I run right towards them. I push Steve out of the way and try to grab Winter. He just pushes me off.

"Shadow. Leave me alone." He says, his voice empty, cold, uncaring.

"Steve, you need to leave. I've dealt with him before." I say as I blocked Bucky's attacks. Steve looked unsure but nodded and left. I turned my attention fully on the man before me.

"You're not Winter. You're Bucky." I say and block the fist that comes at my face. I've fought the Winter Soldier before. I knew his moves.

It wasn't long until I had him pinned to the ground. I grabbed both wrists in each of my hands and accessed the power in my wings.

I let it flow into his mind and pull him out of whatever trance he was in. He blinked at me.

"Lex?" He asked quietly.

"Are you back?" I ask. He then realized that I had him pinned to the ground.

"I was Winter again, wasn't I?" He said more as a fact than a question. I nodded.

"I thought Shuri helped you? I thought she got rid of Winter." I said as I let him up.

"She did. I thought she did." He said.

"Something happened on the mission. It reopened the damage caused by HYDRA. What happened?" I ask.

"Nothing happened. It's okay." He said and tried to leave.

"James Buchanan Barnes!" I say and he looks at me.

"It's not okay. Whatever happened was bad enough that it reopened those mental wounds. Tell me. Tell me what happened." I say to him calmly.

"I know how much you were hurting. Do you remember who it was that healed your mind whenever they could? That was me. I experienced every god damn memory. I knew your pain." I say and he looks at me.

"Please, just tell me what happened. Please, Bucky." I say quietly.

"You wouldn't understand. No one understands. No one knows what it was like there!" He says loudly. I felt my anger rise.

"I was there!" I shouted and he froze.

"I was there, Bucky. You think I don't know what it was like?!" I say as I took off the glove covering my metal hand.

"You think I don't know what it was like when they literally melted my hand off with acid?" I ask. I remove my shirt and turn around. The burns and scars were all visible.

"You think I don't know what it was like when they burned my flesh? When they whipped me? When they electrocuted me?" I asked. I turned back around and faced him.

"You think I don't know what it was like when they raped me?" I asked.

"I was there. I was hurt too. But you're right, I wouldn't understand. How could I understand the pain you went through? I'm not you. But I've had my fair share of pain. I can at least relate. Just please talk to me." I say. I could feel tears forming, but I pushed them away.

"I was separated from the group and surrounded by HYDRA agents. They led me to the room. You know the one I'm talking about, with the chair. They started telling me how they were going to brainwash me again and I was the one who was going to bring you back." His eyes darkened again and he grabbed my arm.

"So that's exactly what I'm doing." He whispered. I felt something prick my skin and everything went dark.

1st Person POV (Steve)

It had been too long since I left Lex with Bucky. I knew that she could handle herself, but the Winter Soldier wasn't easy to handle.

I waited another ten minutes. Silence. Bucky never came back to our room. I couldn't hear their conversation. I got worried.

"Lex? Buck?" I called as I left my room. Silence answered. I surveyed the hall. Empty. It was as if no one had been there. I was about to head back into my room when something flashed in the corner of my eye.

An empty tranquilizer dart.

"FRIDAY, wake Tony. And Bruce. You know what, just wake the team." I said worriedly.

"Steve? Is everything okay?" Bruce asked as he ran into the room.

"What in the hell is so important that it couldn't wait until morning, Capsicle? Unlike you, I don't like getting up at three in the fucking morning. And I sure as hell don't like driving all the way here at such a time." Tony said as he walked in.

"Language, Tony. Just wait for the rest of the team to get here." I answered.

One by one, the rest of the team filed in. Except for Lex and Bucky. Thor and Loki had even shown up at some point.

"Alright, Cap, what's up? And you better have a damned good reason for waking me up." Tony said as everyone sat down.

"Bucky and Lex are missing. Captured most likely. I found this on the floor outside our room." I say as I set the dart on the table.

"Shit" Bruce whispered and I saw it. On the very top, barely noticeable, was the HYDRA symbol.

"God, these guys are stupid. Leaving behind empty darts marked with their symbol? Next thing we know there will be a letter with their exact location." Tony sassed.

Just then FRIDAY's voice cut us off.

"Sir, you have an incoming video call." She said.

3rd Person POV (At HYDRA)

"LET HIM GO! HE'S INNOCENT YOU SICK BASTARDS!" Alexandrya shouted from the corner of a room.

A motionless body sat strapped to a chair in the center. Bucky stood by the wall, face expressionless.

"I told you to be quiet!" A HYDRA doctor yelled as he slapped her before gagging her.

"Sir, the camera's rolling. Tony Stark just answered." A guard said.

"Perfect. Let's put on a show." The doctor said evilly.

"What do you want and who are you?" The unmistakable voice of Tony Stark filled the room.

The body strapped to the chair started to move.

"Mr. Stark, how nice of you to join us. I think this will be worth your time." The doctor said.

"I'll ask again. Who are you and what the fuck do you want?" Tony growled.

"I want to watch you suffer. I want to watch you break as I take away your world. Just like you did to me." He walked over to the body and pulled the bag off their head.

Alexandrya started to scream again though it was muffled. She knew what they were going to do.

The body slowly raised its head. As soon as Tony saw their face, his heart stopped. He whispered the next word, but everyone heard it.


A/N: That's Chapter 43! Hehehe cliffhanger! I'll probably get the next chapter out soon though, don't worry too much. I will warn you, the next few chapters are a hell of a ride. Prepare yourself.

Hope you enjoyed it!

Love y'all! <3

Kari (pen name)

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