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TW Rape and death

The two walked off, talking as they went.

3rd Person POV (with Alexandrya)

It had been a year since she came to Midgard. A year since she had seen those boys from her memories, who she still couldn't name. A year since Doctor took her. A year since she met Soldier. She and Soldier grew closer every day. They trained together, went on some missions together, and they shared a cell. By this time, Alexandrya was an obedient Hydra soldier. In fact, she had become Shadow Assassin instead of Shadow Soldier. Not that she wanted to, no she wanted nothing more than to kill every single one of those men. But the collar around her neck made her unable. It was made of vibranium, so it was impossible for her to remove it on her own. The HYDRA scientists all used a fingerprint to unlock it when they needed to update it.

One day, as Alexandrya was lead to the training room, she walked past another girl being lead to what she called the torture chamber. Alexandrya realized that this girl couldn't be any older than 5 and that sickened her. Knowing what she had to do, Alexandrya attacked the guards holding her and the other girl. As she flung them to the ground, she heard a crunch as one hit the ground. Not caring, she snapped the other guard's necks, picked up the girl, and ran. She saw a doorway and ran to it. When she got there, Soldier was waiting. 

"Shadow you have to fly, you can make it." He called to her. Alexandrya hadn't flown in so long, but she knew he was right. Spreading her wings she took off. The smaller girl clung to her neck, hiding her face in Alexandrya's chest. She got out the door and set the girl down by Soldier. 

"Soldier we need to -"

"Jeremy. My name's Jeremy."

"Alexandrya. Listen, I wanted to thank you for helping me. You barely knew me, and yet you were so kind. I am forever in your debt. What can I do too- " She was cut off by his lips gently pressing against hers. It was perfect, not rough or needy, it was a question, one that she answered with a kiss of her own. They smiled at each other before looking down at the little girl.

"And what is your name sweetheart?" Alexandrya cooed.

"Amelia, but everyone calls me Mia." Alexandrya's heart broke. Mia, her mom's name. She knew it was right to save this child. Even to hear that one sentence. For a moment, everything seemed perfect. For a moment, it all seemed fine. Then that moment ended. *BAM* the gunshot rang through their ears and all Alexandrya saw was the bullet, headed for Mia. As she ran to shield her, Jeremy shoved her aside, grabbed Mia, and threw her to Alexandrya who caught her. As she looked back, time seemed to slow down. The bullet entered just above his ribs and lodged in his heart. As time caught back up, Alexandrya broke down. But she realized she couldn't mourn him yet. Looking at Mia, she said,

"Run. You need to run as fast and as far away from here as you can. I'll buy you some time, but I'll be behind you." She smiled at the girl who hugged her and then took off. Alexandrya walked over to Jeremy's body, kissed his forehead.

"As your spirit leaves your body, know that this was only one vessel for you. You have many journeys left to travel. Many wonders are left to see. Enjoy your days in Valhalla dear Jeremy. I bid thee a good rest." As she recited the Elven prayer of farewells, her heart broke. She didn't even care about the HYDRA men circling her. She didn't fight them as they dragged her through the halls. She didn't fight them as they unlocked her cell and threw her in. But when one guard stayed behind, she grew concerned.

^TW^ A devilish grin grew on his face as he walked over to her.

"Awww sweetheart looks like it's just you an' me tonight." He grabbed her hands and pulled them behind her back, tying them with a piece of rope. Alexandrya struggled against the rope but knew it was no use. The collar had reduced her powers and she was so weak from the previous year. As the man's smirk grew, her face paled.

"Don't try strugglin' there, sweetheart, it's no use. I've got a fun night planned for us." He kissed her, forcing his tongue in her mouth and Alexandrya gagged at it. *SLAP* 

"Now now, be a good girl." He ripped her clothes off and laughed as she screamed. Trying to get someone, anyone to help her. As he ran his filthy hands down her body, Alexandrya couldn't help but squirm, trying to get away from him. But he quickly turned her around so her front was now pushed up against the wall. Undoing his belt, he took it off and hit her ass with it.

"Now, every time you disobey me, it's 5 more. Understand?"

"Y-yes, s-s-sir." Her voice was shaky. He smiled and shoved his dick inside her. Alexandrya screamed. He continued to rape her for hours. Once he left, Alexandrya collapsed. She lay there sobbing, bleeding from various cuts, welts, and lashes all over her. With hands still tied behind her back, she was unable to dress, she lay naked on the floor. She heard voices approaching quickly and tried to curl up in a ball, but winced at how much it hurt. ^END TW^

"What do you mean there are no open cells?" One voice asked,

"I mean, sir, that we are out of empty cells. They're all being used or redone."

"Well yes, I understood that. *SIGH* Well throw him in with the winged freak then." The footsteps approached again and Alexandrya looked up to see a man sneering down at her with a large shadow behind him.

"Have fun, sweetheart? Don't worry, I'm not here for you tonight, just dropping someone off." He smirked at her, shoved the weird shadow thing into the cell, and walked away. The shadow stepped on Alexandrya's foot and she let out a whimper of pain.

"Oh my goodness, I'm sorry." The shadow said. Alexandrya could only let out a soft cry in acknowledgment.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" With that sentence, it was like a dam broke in her mind. Memories of her and two boys that day they met on Midgard flowed into her mind. Memories of Thor and Loki, she remembered their names. Things she had forgotten, all came back to her. As she lay there, crying softly at the memory rush in her head, and the pain radiating through her, the shadow stepped into the light. There was a soft gasp from the shadow as they saw her face.

"Ha-Hannah?" Even with longer hair, tired eyes, and a metal arm, Alexandrya recognized him.


"Oh my god, doll, what did they do to you?" Bucky was appalled by what he saw. First, he fell off that train and lost his arm, losing his best friend too before he was able to tell him how he felt and now he sees his other friend (A/N: yes I know they only knew each other for a day, but bear with me) hurt like this. It was terrible. He quickly ran to her hands and grabbed them, making to untie the ropes, causing Alexandrya to flinch and then cry out at the sudden movement.

"Hey, hey doll. It's okay. I'm just gonna untie these ropes, get you dressed, and then we're gonna lay down somewhere more comfortable than the floor, okay?" Bucky soothed. Alexandrya slowly nodded her head. Bucky quickly undid the ropes, helped her slowly dress (since it still hurt to move), and then gently picked her up. He laid her down on the bed and made to walk away when her hand reached out and lightly grabbed his wrist.

"Where are you going?" She hated how weak she sounded.

"Just to lay down." 

"Please, there's room on the bed for two." They both knew that wasn't true, but Alexandrya didn't feel safe right now and she knew Bucky would protect her.

"Are you sure?" Bucky had put two and two together about what happened to her and didn't want to push her. She nodded slowly. Bucky walked over to the bed and carefully picked her up again and laid them on the bed in a comfortable way. Immediately, a sense of security fell over the two and they cuddled into each other. For the first time in over a year, Alexandrya felt mostly safe.

A/N: There's Chapter 5! It's a bit longer than the others. I hoped you liked it. I was going to include Steve and Bucky's POV again, but it basically follows what happens to Bucky in The First Avenger. 

Thanks for reading!

Good morning, afternoon, evening, night!!!

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