The little girl slowly approched the bed, climbing on it sitting in the middle of both women getting under the covers. Carina immediately placed her hand on the girl's forehead feeling the girl's temperature. The girl was burning up, however she was shaking, curling up under the covers trying to warm up a little bit 

"Bambina..." she said stroking the girl's hair "you have a fever, let's go take a shower" she said softly starting to get up but the girl had other plans so she turned towards Maya hugging the woman's arm 

"I don't want to" she whispered closing her eyes. She was cold and didn't feel good, suddenly tears started to run down her face "I'm cold" she said between sobs 

"I know you are bug" Maya said feeling bad she couldn't do anything to help the toddler "that's why you need to go shower, It would warm you up" she explained and the kid looked at her "You let mamma help you shower and then you come back here to sleep a little longer" 

At this Emma started getting up walking to the edge of the bed reaching her arms towards the brunette. Maya got up as well and went to the girls' room searching for something the five-year-old could wear. As she entered the room she saw the little brunette fast asleep in her bed. She quickly grabbed some pj's, left a quick kiss on the girl's forehead and left the room. 

As she came back to her room, Maya could hear the little five-year-old whimpering while her wife whispered sweet nothings trying to comfort the girl. As they came out of the bathroom, Carina tried to place the now calm toddler on the bed to help her get dressed but Emma had other plans an as soon as she felt her mamma trying to let go of her she started whimpering again

"Mamma..." she said between sobs 

"I know, I know" Carina said caressing the girl's back "I'm sorry but you need to get dressed" she whispered in a comforting voice. The girl was wrapped in a towel, but it was a matter of minutes before the nice warm feeling the bath left behind would wear off and Carina wanted the girl to be in bed when that happened.

Carina helped an upset Emma get dressed and placed her in the middle of the bed. The little girl was feeling a little better and because of it she was able to fall asleep again. 

 "Come here sweets" the blonde said noticing a little eight-year-old standing on the door frame. Luna slowly walked towards the firefighter and climbed into her lap placing her head on the woman's chest closing her eyes "Not ready to wake up yet?" Maya asked stroking the girl's hair to which the girl shook her head 

Luna woke up a couple minutes ago when she heard Maya coming into her room. She didn't think much of it but when she opened her eyes and her sister wasn't there she got a little worried. Even though everything in her told her to get up and go look for her sister she knew Emma was fine. They were fine and safe, she knew it but she still had to get used to that idea 

"Is Emma okay?" she then asked when Emma whined in her sleep feeling a shiver go through her body 

"She is, just a little sick" Maya explained earning a nod as a response 

After a few minutes both girls were fast asleep and a comfortable silence filled the room. With the eight-year-old in her arms and the five-year-old next to her, she couldn't help but think that she wanted this to be her life. This were her daughters she couldn't even think about being away from them. 

Carina had been thinking about it for quite some time. She didn't want to say anything because she knew that wasn't a decision she could make on her own so she pushed the thought to the back of her head but the idea was definitely there. 

Maya then felt Luna start to stir. The girl slowly openend her eyes and lift her gaze up to be met by a pair of blue ones already looking at her. The girl smiled softly enjoying her time with her mommy. Although she hadn't said it yet, she felt it. 

Maya was her mommy and Carina was her mamma but she wasn't quite there yet. She did trusted them but that didn't make it less scary. Everytime she felt comfortable somewhere they would make her move houses, she didn't want that to happen this time. The other times she didn't mind that much but this time she really wanted to stay  

"Can we have breakfast?" she suddenly asked making both women chuckle 

"Of course we can bella" Carina was quick to answer "Why don't you stay here with Emma while I go make us something to eat?" she asked and the girl nodded 

As the Italian stood up, Luna placed herself on the woman's spot of the bed and placed her arm around her sister. Emma feeling used to this, turned around and hid her face on the girl's chest. Maya and Carina looked at them in silence, they for sure couldn't let this girls go 

While the two girls slept for a little longer, the couple went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Well Carina did breakfast while Maya just looked at her. When the brunette was almost done a distressed eight year old approached them 

"Emma... she's sick... coughing and" she said not really making any sense 

"Hey, hey calm down baby" Maya said trying to make the girl slow down and breath "That's it, deep breaths" she said once the kid had finally matched her breathing "Now, tell me what's wrong" with that Luna seem to remember something was wrong and quickly took the woman's hand dragging her towards the room Carina following close behind

As soon as they entered the room, both women realized the toddler wasn't in the bed anymore and they could hear soft sobs coming from the bathroom. Carina was quick to react while Maya held tight to the older girl's hand taking her out of the room 

"Mamma... I'm sick" Emma said softly crying. She had woken up by a weird feeling in her stomach. She run to the bathroom and barely made it before she threw up on the toilet. She felt like she had nothing left in her stomach but still felt weird 

"I know bellina" she said helping the girl stand up "but I promise you will feel better" she said trying to make her feel better "Now we are going to brush our teeth, have medicine for your tummy and join Luna and mommy on the living room"

"Medicine?" Emma asked not liking that idea "but it's yucky"

"I know sweetheart but it's just a tiny bit" Carina said trying to convince the girl "and it will make you feel better" 

"Okay" she whispered "and then... can we watch a movie?" she asked making Carina chuckle 

"All the movies you want bella"             

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