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Magnus opened his eyes and switched off the alarm. He turned around to see his fiancé peacefully sleeping like a baby. He traced his fingers on Alec's cheek and lips. Alec wrinkled and opened his eyes at the touch. "Good morning Mags" he mumbled smiling.

"Sorry did I wake you up?" Magnus asked taking his hand off of Alec's face. Alec grabbed his hand and pulled Magnus closer putting Magnus's arm around his waist. Their faces were only a few inches away from each other. He touched Magnus face pulling him into a kiss.

"I love waking up next to you" Alec said through the kiss.

"Me too" Magnus replied.

Alec deepened the kiss and moved to kiss Magnus's neck making him moan.

Magnus quickly pulled back "It's a beautiful Wednesday morning, I'll make you some breakfast baby" he smirked.

Dissapointed Alec nodded.

Magnus went to take a shower and then helped Alec to get dressed.

While he was in the kitchen his phone rang.

"Simon hi" he said. Listening to what Simon was saying his smile faded away.

"When does he want to see me?" Magnus asked.

"Okay, I'll come" he said and kept the phone.

He was completely distracted when Alec came to the kitchen.

"Mags, you okay?" he asked.

"Uh...there's a problem, Simon called" Magnus said.

"Is something wrong with Izzy?" Alec asked widening his eyes.

"No's not about's...uh..." he hesitated "it's about Tyler"

"Tyler?" Alec asked angrily

"He wants to talk with me" Magnus said clenching his fists.

"WHAT??" Alec asked raising his voice "What does he want to talk about? No you are not I won't let you go" Alec said.

"Baby, but I have to..." Magnus said.

"Are you crazy Magnus? What if he tries to do something else?" Alec asked.

"He won't...don't worry...Luke will be there" Magnus said touching Alec's cheek. "Izzy will stay with you until I come back"

"But why does he want you?" Alec asked.

"He doesn't want to confess anything to anyone except to me" Magnus sighed.

"No...No I can't let you go alone...I'm coming with you"

"But baby, you can't walk...and it'll be too tiring for you" Magnus said touching Alec's cheek.

"I don't care Magnus Bane...I don't care about being tired, I promised myself that I will never let you face something like this alone ever again...I want to be by your I won't take no for an answer"

Magnus sighed "Fine, let's go"

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