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Finally, after 2 days Alec was ready to go home. Magnus packed all of Alec's clothes and went to sign the discharge papers.

"Hey buddy, I'll be leaving tonight" Jace said when he entered the room.

"Why? Does Clary miss you so much?" Alec teased.

"Yeah...that's one thing, but I have to go to work and now that I know you are safe, I can go back peacefully" Jace said.

"Thank you for always having my back brother" Alec said hugging Jace.

"That's what brothers are for" he said. "And better call mom and explain everything to her...she was freaking out when we told her about the whole kidnapping thing...and she doesn't know the strangling part" Jace said.

"Yeah...I should call her and explain...thank you Jace" Alec said patting Jace's shoulder. "You are coming home with me right?"

"Yeah...I have already packed my stuff...I'll be leaving around 4" Jace said "Magnus will be waiting outside let's go"

Jace helped Alec up and took all his bags and left the hospital room. On the way Alec thanked his nurse and his doctor for helping him recover.

"You have to come for weekly checkups...don't forget that Alec" the doctor said.

"Sure doc...Thanks" he said and left to finally go home.


"Yess finally...home sweet home" Alec said sitting on the sofa and hugging the pillow.

"Alec since you can't go upstairs...I arranged Magnus's room with all your things so you can stay there" Jace said taking the bags into the room.

"No problem...I miss my bed though...but that's okay" Alec said limping into the room.

"Alexander, I'll make you something to eat" Magnus said walking in with a bag full of fruits "How about pancakes?"

"Okay...I'll have it with these strawberries..." he said opening the bag "This is a lot...did you buy these?" Alec asked.

"No, dad has sent them...he wants you to eat healthy" Magnus said laughing emphasizing on the word healthy.

"I love your dad" Alec said with a mouth full of strawberries.

Magnus rolled his eyes and continued to make the pancakes.

Alec hugged Magnus from behind "Jealous?"

"No...why would I be jealous of my dad" Magnus said.

Slightly laughing Alec kissed Magnus's cheek "Okay then..."

Magnus turned to face him still Alec's arms around Magnus's face. "Who do you love the most? Me or my dad?"

Alec thought for a bit and smirked. "Your dad sent me my favourite fruits so..." he dragged "I love him more"

"Alexander..." Magnus said annoyed and turned away.

Alec laughed aloud "You little jealous angel". Alec forcefully turned Magnus to face him and placed a soft kiss on his lips "I love you more than everything in this world Magnus Bane, never doubt my love for you"

Magnus smiled. "I know...I love you too" he said placing a peck on Alec's lips "Now go and rest till I finish making the pancakes"

Alec nodded and went back to his room.

While he was in his room, he took out his phone and call his mom.

"Mom how are you and Max?" Alec asked.

"We are doing fine love; Alec why didn't you tell me about what happened?" she asked.

"I didn't want to make you worry and I'm fine now..." Alec said.

"How can you be fine when you have a broken leg?" she asked annoyed.

"It'll heal in no time mom...see you are too worried" Alec said "and mom Magnus is taking good care of me"

"Just don't get yourself into any more trouble okay?" she said.

"Okay mom...don't worry" Alec said

"Max and I will be coming home for Christmas...Max can't come before that"

"That's great news mom, but we have almost 4 months till Christmas"

"I wanted to come for your birthday this year...but it looks like we won't be able to"

"That's okay Mom" Alec said.

Right then Magnus entered the room with a plate of pancakes.

"Mom, I'll call you back, love you" Alec said.

"Stay safe love...I love you too" she said.

Alec kept the phone and got ready to enjoy his brunch.

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