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As soon as they came home Magnus went into his room and took out the box which his father sent him. Alec was worried so he followed him silently and stayed at the door looking at the rather distracted Magnus which he hasn’t seen before. 

Magnus just kept the box on his bed and stared at it for a long time. He didn’t notice that Alec was standing by the door all this time. 

Alec knocked on the door.

Magnus was startled at the knock. 

“Sorry Mags did I scare you” Alec walked towards Magnus.

Magnus shook his head and buried his head in his hands.

“Mags?” Alec was now worried. “If there’s anything you can always talk to me okay?” Alec said. 

“Alexander… I…need some time alone” he said still with his hands covering his face. 

“Okay Mags…” Alec said touching Magnus’s shoulder “if there’s anything please talk to me okay?” and he walked out of the room.

After about 2 hours Magnus came out of the room and sat next to Alec on the sofa. He looked worn out.

“Mags did you cry?” Alec asked in a concerned voice touching Magnus’s face.

Magnus took a deep breath and said “Alexander…my father wants me to work with him in his company and I don’t want to…”

“Did you tell him that you don’t want to?” Alec asked holding Magnus’s hand.

“I tried several times…I was trying to change his mind but he won’t budge” Magnus said laying back on the sofa. “I’m still trying to change this but he wants me to come to work tomorrow…”

“’s okay…everything will be okay…” Alec said hugging Magnus.

Magnus kept his head on Alec’s shoulder and wrapped his arms around Alec’s waist. 

“Alexander…if I won’t be able to change his decision…it is going to be shocking news to you too…” Magnus said.

Alec opened his mouth to ask what it was but Magnus cut him off. “I am not able to tell you until the decision is finalized Alexander…”

“It’s okay Mags…take your time” Alec said stroking his hand with his thumb.

Alec opened his mouth to ask what it was but Magnus cut him off. “I am not able to tell you until the decision is finalized Alexander…”

“It’s okay Mags…take your time” Alec said stroking his hand with his thumb.
“It won’t take long…I’ll tell you tomorrow…” Magnus said and turned to Alec and kissed him softly on the lips. Then he looked at Alec and said “Promise me Alexander that you won’t change or stop loving me…” 

“What are you saying Mags? I love you and nothing can change that…” Alec said and kissed him on the forehead.

“I better get some rest now…I have some more thinking to do…” Magnus said.

“Yeah love…you should sleep now…I’ll sleep after I finish this plan” Alec said and Magnus walked into the bedroom and closed his door.

Next day Alec got ready to go to work. It was a Saturday but they were asked to come on a special order, for a special meeting.

Alec kissed Magnus goodbye and went off to work. 

“I love you Alexander” Magnus said before Alec left. “I love you too Mags” Alec replied.

 At work it was pretty hectic. Alec’s department had a lot in hand. The new director was being introduced suddenly through a special meeting. 

Everyone gathered at the entrance to greet the new director who was about to arrive in a few minutes.

Right then Alec got a message. ‘Alexander promise me you will always love me’. It was from Magnus. What has gotten into him since yesterday? Alec thought and then replied ‘I will always love you my love’. 

And there was a quick reply ‘then don’t be shocked please’. 

Alec was now worried. ‘Why Mags? What happened?’ Alec replied but there was no reply from Magnus. 

Right then the doors opened and Magnus walked in.

Did any of you guess it correctly? That Magnus was going to be the new director 🙈❤

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