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“Camille…” he paused “it’s Alec” he said.

“Alec? Did you finally make up with Magnus? Is that why he’s not in Uni?” Camille asked.

Now Alec was crying “Camille…Magnus is not at home” he said crying “ I…I can’t find him…I don’t know where he is”.

“What?? Didn’t you two talk and make up? Alec listen there was a misunderstanding…You misunderstood the whole situation that day…me and Mags are just friends…he likes you so much Alec…he wanted to tell you this to you that day…” Camille said.

“What should I do?” Alec was crying really loud now “I need to find him”.

“Okay Alec calm down…I’ll try to call my friends and try to find where Magnus is… okay? I’ll call you as soon as I find him” Camille said and kept the phone.

Alec saw a message from Josh saying that Magnus was not in Uni.
Alec has never felt this miserable and lost.
He has never cried like this before. He couldn’t stand what he did. He just couldn’t stand how he treated Magnus all this time when Magnus was never at fault.  
He wanted to talk to his mom. So he dialed her number.

“Hello love, how’s everything?” Maryse answered the call.

“Mom…” Alec burst out crying.
“Alec? Is everything okay?” Maryse asked.

“Mom I messed up…I messed everything up…” Alec said.

“Okay Alec tell me what happened…” Maryse said.

Alec explained everything to Maryse. “Mom what should I do now? I broke his heart…”Alec said.

“Alec from the way you are crying and the way you are worried, I understand how much you like him…did you call his friends and see?” Maryse asked.

“I don’t know…I can’t find him…No one knows where he is…what if something bad has happened to him…” Alec cried.

“No Alec…Calm down love…do you know any place he often goes? You remember when Jace was young and he got upset he would go to the playground where he used to play with his grandma and hide under the slide until we come and find him…Is there a place Magnus would go?” Maryse asked.

“I think I know where he is…” Alec said suddenly remembering the beautiful pond. “Mom I’ll call you back…” Alec said and kept the phone.

He took his keys and drove to the beautiful place where Magnus once took him.

He quickly ran through the trees to where the pond was. And there he was, curled up near the pond still crying.
“Magnus?” Alec called.

Magnus sat up and looked. His eyes were filled with tears and Alec’s were also filled with tears.

“Magnus?” Alec called.

Magnus sat up and looked. His eyes were filled with tears and Alec’s were also filled with tears.

Alec quickly ran to him and hugged him tightly. “Magnus…” he hugged Magnus really tightly.

Magnus was surprised…he didn’t know why Alec was crying. 

“Alexander? Did something happen? Why are you crying?” Magnus asked worried.

Alec pulled back and placed a kiss on Magnus’s forehead.

Magnus was confused. He just stared at Alec not knowing what was going on.

“Alexander?” he asked.

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