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"Alec...hey calm down okay" Jace said pulling Magnus away from Alec.

"Jace tell me what happened to Magnus...and what are the sedatives the doc was talking about...tell me right now!!" he said in a very authoritative tone.

Magnus's eyes were filled with tears.

When he saw Magnus was about to cry, Alec took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Magnus was sitting on the other corner of the bed. Alec held out his hand "come here" he said in a calm voice.

Magnus stood up and walked close to Alec and sat next to him on the bed.

"Mags I'm sorry for shouting" he said hugging Magnus from the side "just tell me what happened...who did this to you baby?" Alec asked in a very calm voice and kissed Magnus on the forehead.

Magnus taking a deep breath turned towards Alec and looked him in the eyes. Alec saw the pain in Magnus eyes and he felt like his heart was about to burst in pain too.

"It was Tyler" Magnus said sighing.

"Tyler? What? What did he do to you Mags?" Alec asked with concern in his eyes.

Magnus didn't want to remind himself about the dreadful incident. He looked at Jace "can you tell him?"

Jace nodded.

"I only know the part which I saw...when I entered the room there was a nurse lying on the floor and I saw this Tyler guy strangling Magnus..." he said.

"Strangled?" Alec gasped "that son of a b*tch...I'm going to kill him" Alec said in anger.

"Baby, calm down...I'm okay...Jace saved me" Magnus said touching Alec's cheek.

"Mags, I'm so sorry I was not there to save you" Alec said tears rolling down his eyes.

"No baby I'm sorry, I dragged you into this mess...he sedated you...if the dose was a little higher he could have killed you...this is all my fault Alexander...I'm sorry" Magnus said touching Alec's cheek.

"No's not your fault, If I was strong enough I could have fought him...I could have protected you..." Alec said.

"Hey it's fine...I'm fine, Jace was there on time...I'm completely okay" Magnus said now smiling through his tears.

"Thank you brother..." Alec said looking at Jace.

Jace smiled.

"Now where is that psychopath?" Alec asked angrily.

"Luke arrested him...he will be questioned today" Jace said. "This time he won't be able to hurt any of you..." Jace said. "I hope he gets the maximum punishment available...he deserves to rot in jail"

Alec nodded, his mind was on Magnus. He felt useless, he couldn't protect his boyfriend.

"I should give you two some alone time I guess...I'll stay outside" he said and walked outside.

"Baby your neck..." Alec said touching the bruised marks "does it hurt?"

Magnus nodded.

Alec hugged him tightly once more. "I'm so sorry...I'm such a bad boyfriend...I should have been there to protect you from that bastard" he said repeatedly.

" were injected with a strong sedative...I was so scared that you might not don't have to be sorry baby...this is not your fault okay?" Magnus said stroking Alec's back.

"Now everything will be fine baby... Tyler is gone..." Magnus continued. "We will be safe" he said and kissed Alec on the forehead.

SOULMATES (MALEC FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now