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"I got a message from you" Alec said taking his phone out.

"I sent you a text?" Magnus asked confused.

Alec showed him the message he received from Magnus's phone.

"This was obviously not me!" Magnus said. "but how did you know?" he asked.

"I didn't, when I first saw this, I thought you were in a hurry and it was urgent because you typed 'ALEC' never call me when I was waiting outside with Hayley and Andrew I figured that it must not have been you..." Alec said. "Someone planned this Mags"

Magnus was shocked, "Alexander I love you so much" he said and hugged Alec. "you know me so well" Magnus said. "Thank you for trusting me"

"Of course I trust you Magnus" Alec said. "We will have to figure out who wanted us to breakup...anyway whoever that is, they won't succeed" Alec said with a smirk.

Magnus smiled "I'll never leave you baby" he said and kissed Alec on the cheek.

Magnus got discharged and was in Alec's car till Alec signed all the documents. Magnus was thinking really hard about what happened. How did Alexander get a message from my phone, it was from my number, but how did that happen, who wanted to set this up? Magnus thought long and hard. His head was spinning because of all the thinking.

When Alec got back they drove home and Magnus fell asleep on the way.

"Hey baby, we are home" Alec said touching Magnus hair.

"But this is your place..." Magnus said looking around half asleep.

"'ll be staying with me today, so I can keep an eye on you" Alec said.

Magnus nodded and walked in.

Maryse and Max were not home, they were staying at Izzy's apartment because Max wanted to spend the day with Izzy and Simon.

"Baby, what do you want to eat?" Alec asked.

Magnus grinned "Should we have pizza?" Alec nodded.

"Alexander, I don't know how this happened, the timing was perfect, right when you walked in she started to kiss me" Magnus said still thinking.

"Did you leave your phone somewhere and go?" Alec asked.

"No Alexander, I never leave my..." and suddenly he remembered "oh shit...I should have known, damn it" Magnus said.

"Why? What is it?" Alec asked.

"Alexander, I think it was my father" Magnus said "he wants to break us apart"

Magnus then explained what happened at the office and he remembered that he found his phone not on the exact place he had kept it.

"What are we going to do about it?" Alec asked.

"I don't know" Magnus sighed "All I know is that their efforts are useless..." Magnus smiled.

"Okay so, your father might do something else if he finds out that we didn't break up" Alec said.

"Alexander, let's go talk to him tomorrow?" Magnus asked.

"Talk to him? Are you serious?" Alec asked.

"Yeah...we have to show him that we will never leave each other" Magnus said.

"Okay" Alec said feeling nervous

"If you are too nervous, it's alright Alexander, we don't have to do it" Magnus said holding Alec's hand.

"No, I'll be fine" Alec smiled nervously "Mags what if he shouts at me or hits me?" Alec asked.

"I won't let him" Magnus smiled.

The doorbell rang "I'll get it; you stay in bed" Alec said.

After few minutes he came with the pizza and a bottle of wine.

Magnus smiled and they dug into the pizza and enjoyed their meal.

"Let's forget what happened just for tonight and rest a little" Alec said.

Magnus nodded.

Alec put his arm around Magnus and they curled up on their bed.

SOULMATES (MALEC FANFICTION)Where stories live. Discover now