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Magnus woke up before Alec but he didn’t want to leave the bed, he turned towards Alec and stared at his beauty. I’m so lucky to have you Alexander, he thought and kissed Alec’s shoulder. 

Still asleep Alec put his arm around Magnus and pulled him closer. Magnus touched Alec’s face. “You awake?” he asked.

“Hmm…” Alec replied.

“What do you want to have for breakfast?” Magnus asked.

Alec smiled still his eyes closed. 

“Tell me anything I will make it for you” Magnus said.

“I want you” Alec chuckled opening his eyes and looking at Magnus.

Alec put his hand on Magnus’s neck and pulled his face closer and kissed his lips hungrily. 

Magnus ran his fingers in Alec’s hair pulling him closer. Alec rolled Magnus over and started to place soft kisses over Magnus’s earlobe and continued to his cheek, jaw and then to his neck making him chuckle with pleasure. 

Magnus legs were wrapped around Alec’s waist pulling their bodies closer.

“I love you Mags” Alec said between the kisses “so damn much…don’t ever leave me”

“Never…” Magnus replied still between the kisses. 

Alec pulled back “You want to take a shower?” he suddenly asked. 

“Together?” Magnus asked surprised.

“Hmm…yeah” Alec replied with flirtish eyes. Magnus nodded.

Alec continued to kiss Magnus. Magnus’s legs were still around Alec’s waist so Alec lifted Magnus up and carried him to shower without breaking the kiss.

Magnus and Alec gave out moans of pleasure when their warm wet bodies pressed against each other. Magnus deepened the kiss by parting his lips and letting Alec play with their tongues. He wrapped his arms around Alec’s neck. Their hearts fluttered like never before. 

After their uninterrupted making out session, the two boys made breakfast and enjoyed their alone time which they couldn’t have for a long time. 

“Mags should we go somewhere today?” Alec asked.

“Where do you want to go?” Magnus asked.

“How about the new amusement park?” Alec asked grinning from ear to ear.

“The amusement park?” Magnus asked. “Alexander…I’m not really good with heights” he said.

“Mmm…” Alec thought for a while. “Okay I know a place, you would love to go” Alec said smiling.

“Get ready Mags…I’m sure you’ll love it” Alec said getting up.

They got ready and arrived at the place Alec wanted to.

“Is this a mall?” Magnus asked when they arrived.

“Yep…but I want to go to one specific shop” Alec said and walked into a shop holding Magnus’s hand.

It was more like a restaurant but had rooms separated by glass walls and doors.

Magnus noticed that there were many couples wearing aprons and having fun.

“What is this place?” Magnus asked.

“This is a cook for yourself restaurant like thing…” Alec said “We can select anything in this menu and make it by ourselves” Alec said handing over a card like a menu.

Magnus looked at it and so all sorts of food, different types of cakes, pizzas, pastas etc. 

“I always wanted to come here on a date…” Alec said looking around happily.

Magnus smiled and pointed at the menu. “Alexander how about we make this cake?” he asked. 

Alec smiled and nodded. 

The server of the restaurant led them to a small room and gave them all the ingredients and the instructions.

“This is going to be fun…” Magnus said looking at the instruction.

Both Alec and Magnus were really good cooks but they had never made a cake before.

“Let’s try to make something digestible and edible” Alec said laughing.

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