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Magnus and Alec were cuddling on their bed when they heard the doorbell.

“I think it’s time…” Alec said sighing.

“Hmm…” Magnus replied getting up from the bed and putting on his shirt and trousers. 

“Alexander…” he said touching Alec’s face “I promise that I’ll come back okay?” he said.

Alec nodded and kissed him. The kiss felt different, it was more like a parting kiss. 

Alec was fighting back his tears, he had to stay strong for Magnus to leave without feeling guilty. So he smiled and hugged Magnus. “I’ll see you at work”. 

Magnus smiled and left with his luggage.

It was a sleepless night for both of them. 


Next day at work, Magnus arrived earlier than usual and waited near the entrance for Alec. When Alec arrived they held hands and got into the elevator. As soon as they got inside the elevator, Magnus gave Alec a soft kiss “Good luck Alexander, do your best…”

“Thank you Mags…” Alec replied with a smile.

“See you around baby…” Magnus said and got off on the 6th floor and waved at Alec. Alec had his new work stationed on the 7th floor. Alec waved and the doors closed.

“Good morning Alec” Andrew greeted him.

“Good morning” Alec smiled.

“Alec this is your new desk and I tried to arrange all your stuff…but if you think it’s messed up I can help you rearrange them” Andrew said.

“No…it’s perfect” Alec said keeping his bag. “Uhmm… Andrew, can I talk with our team leader? I need to ask him about taking leave for my lectures…”

“You can directly talk to Victor…it’ll be better” Andrew smiled.

“Okay I’ll do that, thank you.” Alec said and opened his laptop to start work.

“Alec…uh…how about lunch today? We can talk about the new project…” Andrew said.

“Which new project?” Alec asked pausing between each word.

“Oh sorry, I thought you knew…” Andrew said “Mr. Bane wanted you to do the project you were supposed to design for…it is outside of our department, but Victor agreed to let you do it with me…” 

“Mr. Bane? Magnus Bane or Asmodeus Bane?” Alec asked.

“Mr. Magnus Bane, our new director.” He replied.

“Oh…okay” Alec said “let’s have lunch and discuss the idea…it was an important project for Magnus…I mean Mr. Bane” Alec said.

“You seem to be close with Mr. Bane” Andrew said.

“Uh…” Alec hesitated for a second, he didn’t want more trouble. “he’s uh…my friend…friend from university…we go to the same university.”

“Oh right…friends…okay” Andrew said and smiled. “okay then see you at lunch…” 

“Okay” Alec replied and went to meet Victor.


Around lunchtime, he got a message from Magnus 

‘Baby want to have lunch with me? I haven’t seen you since morning’

Damn it, Alec thought. He felt bad, but he had to keep his promise to Underhill. He didn’t want to upset his co-worker even before they start to work together.

So he replied;

‘Mags I’m sorry, I promised to have lunch with one of my teammates to discuss about that project which you wanted me to do’

He received the reply from Magnus in seconds;

‘That’s okay Alexander, let’s meet after work’ (with a kiss and heart emoji)

Alec replied with an okay and an I love you message and went to have lunch with Andrew.

Hope you are ready for some twists and turns

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