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The next day Alec and Magnus went to the court on time. The lawyer finally arrived and they walked into the court room.

"Don't worry Mr. Bane we can prove his crimes today" the lawyer said confidently.

As the proceedings started, the judge called out for witnesses for the murder.

To Alec's and Magnus's surprise, the murder witness was Hodge. They were shocked to listen to how he also pleaded guilty for helping Tyler to kidnap Alec.


"Guys did Tyler really get sentenced for 10 years?" Izzy asked as Alec and Magnus walked into the house hand in hand.

"Yes Izzy" Magnus said smiling.

"You won't believe what happened..." Alec said.

"I'm curious...tell me big brother" Izzy said making Alec sit next to her.

"You guys talk; I'll order pizza?" Magnus asked.

Both Izzy and Alec nodded in agreement.

"Hodge had witnessed the murder, and he also was connected to me being kidnapped...and he confessed what he did..." Alec said.

"What? How?" Izzy asked.

"It was Magnus's dad, Hodge was always loyal to him, and he always respected him...Tyler had taken advantage of him and made him lure that woman to his trap...apparently the woman had known what Tyler was planning all along and she was going to tell it to Asmodeus..." Alec said.

Izzy widened her eyes in surprise "Tyler was on a different level"

"So Hodge had known the plan all along but when he found the strength to confess it to Asmodeus it was too late...I was already he helped Asmodeus to find me" Alec said.

"So that's how Mr. Bane knew where you and Magnus were..." Izzy said realisijg what had happened.

"Yeah...that's how dad got there on time and got shot..." Alec said sighing thinking about Asmodeus.

"Alec...he's fine now...he'll recover soon" Izzy said understanding how her brother felt.

Alec nodded.

"Now that things are solved, how about we celebrate?" Magnus asked.

"Yes, let's do that" Alec said putting his arms around Magnus's waist.


2 weeks have passed and Alec was now almost completely recovered. It was his birthday tomorrow but he was more excited to finally celebrate their anniversary together. He was planning a surprise for Magnus.

As Alec was working from home, it was not hard for him to secretly plan a small surprise for his fiancé.

With the help of Simon, Josh and Aiden Alec decorated the whole place with bulbs, balloons and candles.

After all the preparations he ordered Magnus favourite dishes and set the table.

"Thank you so much guys for helping me out" Alec said as they finished all the decos.

"Anything for you my man" Josh said putting his hand on Alec's shoulder.

"Enjoy your night then...we have a date too" Josh said looking at his fiancé.

Alec nodded and the two of them left.

"Simon, not going home?" Alec asked.

"I was thinking if I should stay here and enjoy a romantic view of the two of you" Simon teased.

Alec rolled his eyes. "You better get going...Magnus will be home soon."

Simon laughed and took his stuff and left to go home.


Alec nervously waited for his fiancé to arrive and finally the doorbell rang.

Alec quickly walked to the door and opened the door to find Magnus with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

Magnus gave it to Alec before he entered the house. "It's an early birthday gift and kind of a small bribe...I have something to tell you" Magnus said putting his hands around Alec's waist.

"Before that..." Alec paused to place a kiss on Magnus's lips "come inside" Alec held Magnus's hand and walked him inside the house.

"Alexander!! This is..." he was lost for words.

"I told you I had many plans for our anniversary" Alec whispered in Magnus's ear "although it's late...Happy one-year Anniversary baby"

"This is beautiful!! You did this by yourself?" Magnus asked looking around in amazement.

"Nah...I got a little help" Alec winked.

Alec turned Magnus towards him and put his arms around Magnus's neck pulling him closer. "How about we have dinner first?"

"Mmm...dinner...what did you order for dinner?" Magnus asked.

"You have two options..." Alec said trailing his fingers on Magnus's face in a very seductive way "first one is on that table..." Alec said pointing at the candle lit table in the middle of the living room.

"What's the second option?" Magnus asked biting his lower lip, looking at Alec deep in the eyes.

"Your second option is..." Alec trailed off by placing a kiss on Magnus's neck "standing right in front of you" he finally said "which one would you choose?" Alec asked while licking Magnus's earlobe.

Magnus gave out a moan of pleasure "definitely option 2" Magnus said and he lifted Alec up and carried him into their room.

SOULMATES (MALEC FANFICTION)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz