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The next day during the lunch break Magnus and Alec decided to go and meet Asmodeus.

"Ready?" Magnus asked.

Alec took a deep breath. "Yes let's go" he said.

When they walked into the room there was another young man, Alec didn't know who he was but Magnus seemed like he knew.

Magnus quickly looked away and turned back towards the door holding Alec's hand. "Alexander maybe we should come later..."

"Ookaayy" Alec said confused.

Right when Magnus was trying to drag Alec out of the room Asmodeus called out.

"My boy, what brings you here?"

Oh shit, Magnus thought closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he turned to face Asmodeus.

"I wanted to talk to you...but you seem to be busy, so I'll come later" Magnus said still holding Alec's hand.

"You can talk now" Asmodeus said.

"No, you finish your talk with Tyler, I'll come later" Magnus said

"Boy, you can talk to me about anything now, Tyler is no stranger..."

"But this is personal" Magnus said annoyed.

"What is this so personal thing that you can't talk in front of your brother?" Asmodeus said.

Alec's eyes widened and he looked at Magnus confused. Magnus has a brother? I didn't know that...he never told me that; Alec thought.

"He is not my brother" Magnus said clenching his fists.

"Tell me now or don't talk to me about it ever" Asmodeus said.

Alec understood that Magnus was controlling his anger, Alec caressed Magnus's hand with his thumb to calm him down.

After few seconds, Magnus sighed and said "Fine, I'll tell you"

"I will never breakup with Alexander, no matter what you do...I know what you did yesterday and that is cheap father" Magnus said gritting his teeth.

"Magnus talk to your father with respect" Tyler said.

Asmodeus signaled with his hand at Tyler to say stop. He walked near Magnus and he was about 3 feet away from Magnus and Alec.

"I told you what might happen if you don't obey me..." Asmodeus said.

"I won't let anything happen to Alexander" Magnus said in an angry tone.

Asmodeus laughed. "You think you are strong enough? If you want this boy, you will never inherit anything from'll be just like him, a loser" Asmodeus said.

"How dare you call him that?" Magnus said taking a step forward towards Asmodeus but Alec tightened the grip and held him back.

Asmodeus smirked.

"I don't need your inheritance...I never wanted it anyways" Magnus shouted.

Alec saw Tyler smiling.

"Mr. Bane" Alec interrupted "I'm sorry to interrupt, yes I might not be rich as you or Magnus, but I love him with all my heart, please give a chance to prove that I'm worthy of your son"

Tyler laughed loudly and Asmodeus joined him. "You? Prove? What do you think you can prove?" Tyler asked laughing.

Alec was annoyed by Tyler but he didn't say a word.

"Boy, do you have a mansion? Do you have a private jet? At least can you afford to travel first class?" Asmodeus asked laughing.

"I...uh...I'll try...I'll try to earn enough" Alec said stammering.

"STOP IT!" Magnus shouted "I don't love him for money dad! I love him for who he is...I don't care about what he has or has not...I don't care even if we have to live in a small room in a basement" Magnus said clenching his fist.

"Those are just words you think you can live like that forever? You? The great Magnus Bane" Tyler said laughing.

Magnus had enough of their nonsense. "Let's leave Alexander!" Magnus said grabbing Alec's hand and dragging him out of the room.

SOULMATES (MALEC FANFICTION)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin