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“I’m so tired…how do y’all do these site visits and all every day?” Alec asked Andrew on his way back to the office.

“You’ll get used to it” he said patting on his shoulder.

“I’m so hungry…Oh my God! What time is it?” Alec asked.

“It’s almost 2…it’s 1.50…” Andrew asked.

“Oh shit…I’ll see you later…” Alec said patting on his shoulder and running towards the elevator.

He took out his phone to call Magnus. “Hello Mags?” he said waiting for the elevator.

Someone kept a hand on his shoulder, he turned to see Magnus.

“Hey…” he said plainly.

“Mags I’m so sorry…I got back just now…did you have lunch?” Alec asked upset.

“That’s okay, I just saw you coming in with Underhill, let’s go have lunch…I waited for you” Magnus said taking Alec’s hand.

Alec quickly pulled back his hand. 

Magnus looked at him confused.

“I don’t want people to gossip around about us…” Alec said.

Magnus was hurt, he just walked in front of Alec to the restaurant without looking back at Alec.

While they were eating Magnus didn’t look at Alec straight in the eyes.

“Mags are you okay? I’m sorry I got late…there was so much traffic and I…” Alec couldn’t finish the sentence. 

“Are you ashamed of me being your boyfriend?” Magnus asked.

“What? No Mags…What…from where did you get that idea?” Alec asked confused.

“No…it’s just you didn’t even want to hold my hand before…” Magnus said.

“No Mags…I love you and I’m not at all ashamed of you…why would I be…don’t be silly…I just didn’t want any more trouble you know…what if your dad sees us and then fires me?” Alec said.

“NO I won’t let him do that Alexander” he said now a bit angry.

“But Mags, it’s better to stay low key until we completely get his permission” Alec said.

“Okay” Magnus said sighing but deep down he felt like Alec was now drifting away.

“Magnus Bane, listen, you are the person I love okay? Don’t ever think that I’ll leave you…” Alec reassured and touched his hand.

Magnus smiled “Okay Alexander…”

“Let’s get back to work now okay?” Alec said.

“Okay” Magnus said.

“Are you still mad at me?” Alec asked.

“No Alexander, I’m not mad at you…it’s just I feel like we are getting distant…” Magnus said opening the door to the elevator.

As soon as they got in and the doors closed Alec jumped at him and hugged him. “Hey, I’ll never let go of your hand okay? I love you so much” Alec said and kissed Magnus on the lips.

Magnus kissed him back pulling Alec closer. “I love you too Alexander…so much” he said through the kiss.

They quickly pulled back when the elevator door opened and shyly smiled at each other. 

“See you after work” Alec said and waved at Magnus as he walked to his office room.

The next few weeks were pretty hectic with all the end year reports and start of a new year.

University started after the vacations and both Alec and Magnus had to go for lectures as well.

“Hey, how was your vacation?” Josh asked from Alec at Uni.

“Not good…” Alec said.

“What happened?” Josh asked. And Alec explained everything which happened for the last few months. 

“Wow dude! Seriously? So you are dating a millionaire’s son?” Josh asked excited.

Alec rolled his eyes and said “yeah”.

“How are things with Aiden? I didn’t see him today…” Alec said.

“Things are super exciting for us…last week I met with his parents…and they loved me” josh said excited.

“Man congratulations!” Alec said hugging him.

“Thank you man, and Alec I need to ask you and Magnus for a favor… will Magnus be coming today?”

SOULMATES (MALEC FANFICTION)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz