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Two days have passed and it was finally the day Magnus and Alec were nervously waiting for. The trial day of Tyler. Magnus, Alec and Asmodeus were all called to the court.

"I'm so scared Alexander, what if he gets bailed out?" Magnus said as they walked to the court room with their lawyer.

"Don't worry Mr. Bane, he'll get the maximum sentence he deserves" the lawyer said.

Alec and Magnus nodded and entered the court room. Asmodeus and Hodge were already inside, so they sat next them. Simon also tagged along with them in case of any emergency.

As the Jury entered, Magnus felt more nervous. Alec noticed how his fiancé was reacting so he put his hand on Magnus's and made soft circle with his thumb to calm him down. "Everything will be okay" Alec whispered and Magnus nodded with a long sigh.

When the proceedings of the court began, Tyler entered the court room. Seeing Tyler, Magnus clenched his fists in frustration.

Hodge, Asmodeus, Magnus and Alec were called as the witnesses of Tyler's crimes.

After a few hours of heated arguments, the trial was over and they walked outside.

"I think it was a very successful trial" their lawyer said "be here by 10 am tomorrow, and we'll see how the rest goes"

Magnus and Alec nodded and thanked their lawyer for his hard work.

"It went well Magnus; we were able to prove that he was guilty" Alec said touching Magnus cheek.

"But we don't know yet Alexander...we don't know if he will get a year or 2 in prison, it's not murder as they's attempted murder so the sentence might be reduced" Magnus said.

"Let's see how it goes tomorrow...let's go home, Izzy is waiting for us."


"How did it go boys?" Izzy asked as Magnus and Alec walked inside the house.

"Better than I thought" Alec said sitting on the couch.

"So?" Izzy asked "Tyler will be punished right?"

"We have to wait till tomorrow..." Alec said.

"Magnus are you okay?" Izzy asked looking concerned.

"Yeah...I'm fine, I'll just go have a shower and come" Magnus said and left the living room.

"Did something happen?" Izzy asked in a low voice.

"He's just worried about tomorrow..." Alec said "Izz you remember that woman?"

"Which woman?" Izzy asked confused.

"That woman, I can't remember the name...that woman who was set to seduce Magnus...she died right? And the prosecutor told me that Tyler has some kind of a connection to it" Alec said thinking.

"That's great" Izzy said excitingly and Alec raised an eyebrow "No I mean...if Tyler is connected to the murder...he won't ever be able to get out right?"

"Yeah, if we can prove it, then we can put in prison for good" Alec said.

"Prove what?" Magnus asked walking in while drying his hair.

"Prove that Tyler is a murderer" Izzy said smirking.

"I already talked to the prosecutor about it...and I told him to question Hodge, because he was the one who had contacts with that woman" Magnus said.

"That's quick of you" Izzy said smiling.

Magnus smirked and sat next to Alec. The he turned Alec towards him and put his arms around Alec's neck.

Alec put his arms around Magnus's waist and pulled him closer.

"You know I am a genius" Magnus said with a smirk.

"You are my genius" Alec said pressing his lips on Magnus's.

Magnus crossed his arms and pulled Alec's face closer to deepen the kiss.

"GUYS!! Seriously? Go to your room!!!" Izzy said.

Alec and Magnus were so into the kiss that they didn't even consider what Izzy was saying.

"Whatever, I'm going upstairs...I won't come down for an hour...have fun" Izzy rolled her eyes and walked upstairs.

Magnus carried Alec to their room and continued their little make out session.

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