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Alec fell asleep and he was woken up by a huge splash of water.

"Hey" the man said pushing the plate towards Alec.

Alec didn't budge, he just looked at the floor.

The big build man came in and grabbed Alec by the hair making him face the man.

Alec shouted in pain.

"He told you to you want to starve to death?" he said "You will anyway die tonight...enjoy while you can" the man said and left.

I'm going to die tonight? me...I will never see my love ever again...I don't want to leave you Magnus...not like this...Alec thought.

"Who are you? Why did you bring me here? Who wants me dead?" Alec shouted gathering his strength.

The man did not answer, he left the room locking it.

It can't be Asmodeus, no it can't be...Alec thought.

"Magnus I miss you, I miss you..." he kept mumbling to himself

I wanted to tell you some good news during you will never know what your father told me...Alec cried silently remembering his time at Asmodeus house.


"Mr. Bane, thank you so much for inviting me today" Alec said.

"Mr. Lightwood, I'm impressed by the proposal you sent've worked really hard for the last few days." Asmodeus said.

"I enjoyed it a lot" Alec replied.

"Alec..." he said.

Alec was surprised to hear him call his name.

"Can I call you Alec?" Asmodeus asked.

"Of course Mr. Bane" Alec said smiling.

"Alec, I want to apologize to you for my behavior for the past few months. I was wrong about you, you are a good kid...and I know that Magnus loves you so much...he has never loved anyone like this except for his mother...and Alec, you remind me of her" Asmodeus said wiping a tear from his cheek.

Alec was surprised to hear this.

"You are very much like her, hardworking and honest...she was also not from a rich family, but she worked hard and helped me to become who I am today...I still miss her everyday...and I see her in you Alec..." Asmodeus said.

"Mr. Bane, I...just don't know what to say...Magnus has told me a lot about his mom and no one can ever compare to be like her" Alec said.

Asmodeus came closer and put his hand on Alec's shoulder. "Alec, look after my boy well"

Alec was shocked and happy at the same time. "Are you saying that you are giving us permission to date?"

Asmodeus nodded.

Alec was tearing up and Asmodeus hugged him.

"Thank you Mr. Bane...thank you so much...I'll love him with all my heart. I'm going to tell Magnus as soon as he gets home" Alec said wiping his tears off.

"You earned it child, you proved that you are worthy of my son" Asmodeus said.

Alec thanked him once more and turned to leave.

"Alec, you can work at your old department from tomorrow" Asmodeus said smiling and waved him good bye.

Alec waved him back and left the house.

*end of flashback*

Alec curled up on the floor thinking about Magnus and how happy he would have been happy to know that they were given permission to finally date.

Few hours passed, and Alec heard voices outside his door. He tried to get up but he didn't have the strength to stand. Taking all his might he crawled to the door.

"Father called me, so I need to be home" the voice said.

I think I know that voice...Alec thought but Alec couldn't identify the voice. With the help of a chain on the wall he tried to stand up and peek through the glass to see who it was. He could only see the back of the person and he recognized who it was right when he saw him.

"Don't let him get away...I want him alive and make sure...." the voice faded away to a distance.

Alec quickly got away from the door and crawled to the corner of the room behind the door, shocked.

Tyler kidnapped me? Why would he do that? Did Asmodeus order him to do that? Alec thought. No it can't be him...he was all okay with us dating so why would it can't be him...Alec thought.

Alec was hungry but he didn't want to have the food he was given.

What if this is poisoned? He thought. He didn't want to take the risk.

He just sat in the corner staring at the grey wall thinking about Magnus and how worried he might be right now. After some time, he heard the door open.

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