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"Dad, how are you?" Magnus asked walking into the room. 

"I'm pretty bored...I wish I had my laptop at least" he sighed. 

Magnus smiled and took out the laptop and some books out of his bag. 

"You read my mind boy" Asmodeus said. 

"I'll come to see you with Alec when you are allowed to have visitors." Magnus said. 

Asmodeus nodded. 

"I need to know something" Magnus said sitting on the couch next to the bed. 

"What is it my boy?" he asked.

"Why did you...why are you suddenly okay with Alec?" Magnus asked after some hesitation. 

Asmodeus smiled. 

"Alec has a lot of potential" he said. 

"But dad that can't be the only reason..." Magnus said "tell me please..." 

"Your mother..." he said "you mother is the reason I changed my mind" 

"Mom? How?" Magnus asked confused. 

"When I started to work with Alec, I saw the qualities of your mother within him...he is lovable, honest and works hard..." he paused and looked at Magnus "Your mother and I always wanted you to be happy, I don't know why but few days before her was like she felt that she was going to leave us, she made me promise something..."  

"What did she make you promise dad?" Magnus asked widening his eyes. 

"Safrina wanted me to let you be with the person you love no matter who that person was..." he said with tears in his eyes "She made me swear that one day, if our child falls in love with someone who can unconditionally love him, not for the money but for who he was, that I should let them be together..." he said wiping his tears. 

Magnus was wiping off his tears as well. "Then dad why were you so rude to Alec?" 

"Magnus, I'm your father, I needed to know whether he loves you for you or for your money...that's why I did everything I did, including his transfer and the woman in your office...and I realized that he loves you when he came to me every day for weeks to ask for permission...he never gave up on you" he paused "and I owe you both an apology for what I've done..." he said looking at his son. 

Magnus didn't know what to say. He walked to his father and hugged him. "Thank you dad" 

*End of Flashback

"Mags are you okay?" Alec asked seeing Magnus staring at his laptop with tears in his eyes. 

"Yeah, yeah...I'm fine...was just thinking about mom" he said wiping his eyes realizing that his eyes were filled with tears. 

"Come here..." Alec said opening his blanket. 

Magnus smiled and climbed on the bed. They cuddled for a few minutes on Alec's bed. But they had to sleep on separate beds as Alec was attended by the nurse from time to time to check on the new medicine.  

It was almost 9pm and both of them were feeling tired. Magnus sat next to Alec's bed and stayed looking at Alec, stroking his hair until he fell asleep, Magnus kept staring at his gorgeous boyfriend. "I'm so lucky to have you in my life baby" he whispered and then went to his bed and fell asleep in seconds.

SOULMATES (MALEC FANFICTION)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon