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"Did you see anyone suspicious today?" Magnus asked Alec on their way home.

"Nope not today...Mags you don't have to worry too much okay...I'll be fine" Alec said smiling and touching Magnus's hand.

"Okay" Magnus said and smiled back.

Few days passed and both Alec and Magnus attended lectures and then came to work as usual.

"Magnus, Mr. Bane wants to see you at his office" Hayley said as she walked into Magnus's room.

"Okay I'll be right there" he said after signing the documents.

Magnus entered Asmodeus's Office room. "You called for me?"

"Yes, my boy...sit down..." Asmodeus said calmly.

Magnus sat down and looked at his father confused. His secretary was standing next to him.

"I wanted to talk to you about a project, can you come with me to the presentation room?" Asmodeus said standing up.

Magnus stood up holding the files and his phone. Asmodeus looked at his phone and said "I don't want any interruptions"

"But I need my phone" Magnus said.

"I said, I don't want any interruptions...keep it and come inside!" Asmodeus said and walked inside the presentation room.

Magnus sighed and kept his phone with the files and followed his father.

While Magnus was inside the room, Hodge sneaked through Magnus's files and belongings to find the phone. He took the phone but didn't know the password to open it.

He quickly took out his laptop and connected the phone and was able to hack into the phone before Magnus came back.

Hodge acted like cleaning the table when Magnus entered the office again. Magnus looked at Hodge and said "Do you need to clean the place right when I keep my things here?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bane"

Magnus took his files and phone; he didn't notice that the phone was not where he kept it before.

"Good day sir!" Hodge said when Magnus was leaving. Magnus didn't look at him he walked straight to his room.


Meanwhile Alec was busy with a project and Andrew was helping him. He received a message from Magnus 'Alec, meet me at my room in 5 minutes'

Alec? Mags never calls me Alec...he thought, maybe he was in a hurry, he thought and wrapped up his work with Andrew.

"Andrew, Magnus has called me to his let's do the rest tomorrow?" Alec asked.

"Yeah sure..." Andrew smiled. "And Alec, I'll tag along with you, I have to give him some files too"

Alec grinned.

"Don't worry I won't stay for long and disturb you two lovebirds" Andrew said laughing.

"Okay...okay let's go" Alec said and walked down the stairs to Magnus's room.


(3 to 4 minutes before Alec and Andrew arrived)

Magnus was walking to his office, and when he entered he saw a woman sitting on his desk. The woman was wearing red lipstick and a red short dress, he hair was cut short and she looked like she was in her 20s.

"May I help you" Magnus asked as he walked in, but she didn't reply.

"Uh...this is my office; I'll have to call security if you don't leave" Magnus said.

She was just smiling and looking at her phone not caring about what Magnus was saying.

SOULMATES (MALEC FANFICTION)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora