Chapter 19: Silver Beads

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“I guess that’s just part of loving people: You have to give things up. Sometimes you even have to give them up.” 

― Lauren Oliver, Delirium


The day started for the two; Lily and Sarah gets ready for work. Taissa arrived early today. The two left early to go to work.

Upon arriving in the police department, some of her co-workers were staring at her which was kind of unusual and kind of irritating in her part.

“What’s wrong with the people in this building today?” Sarah asked in a barely audible voice.

“Leonide probably told them about the thing that happened in the crime scene yesterday” Lily said firmly as they were walking towards their office.

“Probably, that guy hates me; he’s satan’s pawn I swear to god that Leo---“ as Sarah opened the door Leonide was waiting for the two inside, Sarah’s eyes widened.

“Surprise mothafucker” he remarked as he stood from Sarah’s desk with another folder in his hand.

“What the fuck are you doing in my office?” Sarah asked furiously; Leonide walk towards her and shove the paper on her chest, Sarah’s reflexes were good; she caught most of it only 3 papers fell on the floor.

“What the hell is wrong with you!?” Sarah was about to charge him but Lily took her hand and pressed it, she was asking her to calm down. Leonide looked at her with a smug smile on his face.

“You did well weirdo, we already caught the culprit of yesterday’s case; you were right about the sushi shit, and the blood splatter shit and you’re not even a blood splatter analyst. How’d you do it?” he asked his voice had this mixed sarcasm and arrogance.

“She graduated with top honours, sir. We graduated together we’re forensic science students.” Lily responded for Sarah

“Bullshit. Not even the new blood splatter analyst that was hired can pull a story like that quickly”

“Admit it, you just can’t accept the fact that someone whose rank’s lower than you is better than you are.” Sarah blurted out, with a smug smile on her face. Leonide raised his hand readying to hit Sarah.

“Hit me. Sir and you’re badges and your guns would be confiscated” Sarah said with a matter-of-fact tone while smiling sarcastically at him

Unable to do anything; Leonide gritted his teeth in anger as he walked out slamming the door.

Lily laughed as the tension in the room was released.

“God that’s awesome Sarah!” the blonde remarked, she then picked up the 3 papers on the floor.

“That son of a bitch is already getting into my nerves. He’s awful” Sarah responded as they both sat on the couch near Sarah’s desk.

“So what’s that?” Lily asked while looking curiously at the folder that Leonide gave Sarah.

“Let’s find out” Sarah opened the folder; and scanned the files.

Suspect code name: enkephalos(Brain)

Modus: Kills woman by slitting their throats; kills men by sawing head in half and getting their Sensory Cortex.

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