Chapter 1.5: Nightmare

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Warning: little smut scene ahead.

It's been 3 days since Lily interrogated Siegfried, ever since that interrogation Lily was thinking a lot about what he told her, she couldn't sleep well at night and she was always groggy every morning.

That night at her apartment, she just came home from work she went to her bathroom and wash her face in the sink, then looked at her reflection and started talking to herself:

     "Lily calm yourself. He's just trying to break you down. It's impossible, maybe the first person who interrogated him talked about me too much, they all know you're waiting for Sarah. Yes. That might be it..."

she then closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She went to the living room and sat on the couch with a glass of white wine in her hand, and started skimming on Siegfried's files.

"Age: 27... Murdered 10... From Edinburgh, Scotland..." she read the information quietly. until she stumbled on a news paper clipping in his file.

"Paulson, unable to capture drug lord in entrapment operation. Current Status: Critical article was published 6 months ago"

she was shaking, her hands were sweating the article sends chill down her spine. "What if he's saying the truth?" she put down the file, shaking her head. "No, Lily. there's a lot of Paulson." she didn't have the courage to read the entire article.She was scared. What if it is her?

She went to her room flickered the lights off and laid on her bed, she was staring at the ceiling trying to fall alseep, she then buried her face unto the pillow and whispered to herself "Sarah will be here tomorrow and everything is going to be fine. You're gonna live with her and you'll be happy together so... keep it calm lily."

she looked turned herself over, to her surprise. she came back into the interrogation room. This time she was the one who's hands were at the back and is handcuffed. Siegfried eventually entered the room and sat at the chair infront of her.

"Let me out of here!" she yelled demanding for her release, the blonde man chuckled.

"Such demands sweetheart. Now tell me. where were you when she needed you?" he sarcastically asked, he went to her back and pulled her ponytailed hair.

"When she was in the hospital where were you? I already knew that you were an officer ever since I saw you, during the time that she was about to arrest me oh let me tell you by the way that she put up a good fight, her punches was inhuman but I had the upper hand, when she punched me and stumbled on that pile of junk in the junk yard, it just so happen that I saw a metal pipe near by, as she approached me. I hit her hard on the head i think that was 5x. until she passed out. or probably passed away." his tone was sarcastic and sadistic, Lily felt his hand on her face caressing it like what pervs do in movies she bit it.

He yelled and slapped her. Lily was breathing fast, she was agitated and furious at the same time.

"Fuck you!" Lily yelled at him. he looked at her with the (Is that all you can do look) and pulled her chair and kicked the table and sat on Lily's lap. She was struggling. She wanted to break free from the hand cuffs. He chuckled as she sees her struggling he stopped Lily's movement by grabbing her handcuffed hands with both of his hands. Lily looked at him with fear on her eyes, feeling the breath of the man before him.

He then whispered "No, Fuck you" Lily felt his hand reaching for her slack's Zipper as he was kissing her neck. She was in shock. she couldn't move.

before she knew it she felt his fingers entering her core, a moan escaped from her lips.

"Please stop!" she begged, but it just kept coming he was sliding his finger back and forth.

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