Chapter 4: Fragments

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“If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.”

― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore

(Later that day)

Sarah flagged a cab and waved goodbye to Lily after hanging out with her the whole day.
While riding the cab, she told the taxi driver the condominium’s address to take her there. She stared at her watch and realized that she had promise Dennise that she’ll be there by 7pm.

“Shit! It’s already 7:21” She didn’t realized that she overstayed in Lily’s house; she loved her company she was fun to be with and there’s something about her that make her question a lot of things.

Sarah arrived shortly, and realized that Lily’s apartment was just a few blocks away from her condominium building. Well, it’s her first time to visit the condo anyway; she was just given that condo as a bonus for her hard works back in Europe.

When she arrived in her condo, Dennise was waiting for her at the sofa her arms were crossed.

“You’re late. Where’ve you been?” Dennise stood from the chair and walked closer to Sarah, as she closes the door.

“Well, from my *Bestfriend’s* apartment; we got to hang out with each other today. It feels so good to be back here” Sarah said with a wide grin on her lips. Den was looking at her raising her brow.

“Who is this friend of yours?” Den asked while the two of them were walking into the dining area her voice had this hint of jealousy in it. Den prepared the take out beef and broccoli with some steamed rice as their dinner.

“Lily… Lily Rabe, She’s awesome; there’s just something different from her. I can’t wait to remember everything, Babe.” Sarah said excitingly as she sits on the dining chair.

“Did you tell her you have a GIRLFRIEND?” Den stressed it out; Sarah looked at her with confusion on why she’s acting like a bitch. Ever since they’ve been together she’s been so manipulative. Sarah did not even know why she fell in love with her, or maybe not at all. That’s the moment she recalled what Lily said, “Are you happy with your relationship?”

Actually, she wasn’t. She lied.
“HEY! Snap out of it” Den yelled her hands striking hard against the table making a large *BLAM* sound in the room. Sarah furrowed her brows.

“Are we going to fight again? Com’on you over react to things! I am just 26 minutes late and you are making big fuzz out of it!” Sarah yelled as she stood from the chair, Den looked at her furiously.

“I’m SICK of your FUCKING Excuses Sarah! You are always CHEATING on me. First it was that Anna, then that Jayson and now a fucking LILY?!”

Sarah put her fingers to her temple.

“God Damn it! How many times do I have to tell you! Anna was my secretary and we didn’t have a relationship and Jayson is my Partner in work!! Lily is My BESTFRIEND and My PARTNER” Sarah blurted out.

“See!? Now you’re yelling at me, I knew it. I am not hungry” Dennise put down the plate on the table in a violent manner, and left the condo slamming the door.

Sarah sighed; she didn’t really know how she became her girlfriend. Sarah thought that she just needed her that time because there was a large part of her missing, when they got together at first she forget about the thing that’s bothering her, but over time. Dennise changed, and show who she really was to her. She wasn’t that sweet loving girl she knew from before. She was manipulative, she’s doing her own issues and she’s always jealous of everyone being close to her.

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