Chapter 12.5: Truth be told

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“Shit. I’ve gotta go after Sarah” Lily’s in a state of panic; he knows that Chandler would go after Sarah or would go after her.

“I’m coming with you” Ed said as the two quickly ran towards the Forensics Department.


When Lily and Ed reached the Forensics department; they found Sarah lying on the floor. She was unable to move yet conscious. Lily rushed to her side and placed the brunette’s head on her lap.

“Who did this to you Sarah?”

“Khai..l… is my paternal brother he’s with Chandler” The brunette said weakly as she presses her hand on her abdomen and pointed at the scattered papers on the floor

Lily took the papers and read it and the results were Sarah and Mikhail was in fact related.

Lily couldn’t believe it; everything was just getting crazier every day. Sarah forced herself to stand up.

“We need to find them” Sarah insist as she weakly walked across the room; passing by Ed.

“You need to go to the clinic or perhaps the hospital” Ed said calmly as she approached Sarah and Lily

Lily nods “You can’t go with that condition of yours”

“I can still walk” as Sarah said it she stumbled on the ground but Lily and Ed was there to catch her.

“Please, Sarah” Lily whispered, as she looked deeply on the brunette’s eyes.

Seeing the two’s atmosphere right before his eyes; Ed frowned

He cleared his throat; the two women looked at him as he suddenly carried Sarah. Lily raised her brow.

“Put me down” Sarah commanded as he glared into Ed. Lily on the other hand was kind of pissed.

“Put her down.” Lily said defensively.

“No! We have to get her to a hospital!” he raised his voice as he carried on and walks while carrying Sarah.

Lily followed them as Sarah keeps on moving her feet up and down; protesting since she wants to be put down. But Ed on the other hand being 6ft tall holds her tightly; Lily frowned and sense something about Ed’s insistent behaviour of wanting to carry HER Sarah.


Ed and Lily brought Sarah to the hospital.

Ed and Lily were waiting inside Sarah’s room; she passed out while being brought to the hospital. The doctor entered the room and the two quickly stood up.

“What happened to her?” the two asked the doctor in sync.

The doctor was a bit surprised about their eagerness to know base on their tone of speaking.

“She’s just been injected with Ketamine in her stomach; the dose that was injected wasn’t as high so she’d probably be up tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Doc.” Lily said politely as the doctor excuses herself and leaves.

Ed took a deep breath “Ketamine, it makes her paralyze yet still have sense she can hear us but she’ll be unable to talk or move her muscles until the drug wares out.”

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