Chapter 20: Forever

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"I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.." 

― Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook


"Don't worry, Everything will be painful for you" Sarah could hear a voice. She's slowly regaining her consciousness. She could tell it was Mikhail. Sarah tried to master control over her body; she opened her eyes and looked around her. She tried to stand up but her feet and her hands were tied on an old wooden dining table she eyed her waist belt bag, her guns and her knife were on the stairs' tread, Mikhail was sitting next to it.

"So you're awake?" Mikhail asked as he stood up and walk towards Sarah who was still trying to get herself free.

Mikhail slammed his hands on the table startling Sarah. "It's no use. You can't break free from there."

"Why are you doing this?" Sarah questioned, her voice had a hint of anger and curiosity.

"Have you ever asked yourself why you kill people Sarah?" he asked her back

"I only kill people who deserve it just like YOU!" Sarah hissed. As Khail gave him a chuckle, mocking what she just said.

"We should've teamed up together, you could've just ended up like me if it wasn't for them" he yelled.

"Them?" She inquired lightly, confused on what he's trying to say.

"The people who loved you. OUR Parents, Zachary, and Lily not to mention that Montgomery is in love with you; and I have no one." He blurts out.

"Did you know why I killed them? because they deserve it too; they hurt this" he pointed his chest.

"That's a LIE! Grandma and Grandpa, loves us equally!" Sarah responded, lifting herself up but the rope is supressing her movements.

"Love us equally you say? You saw it Don't fool yourself. You saw how YOUR grandfather would hit me with a whip whenever I can't cope up with his demands, You saw how YOUR grandmother always favoured you over me; whenever you did something wrong isn't it that I am the one who is being accused of doing wrong things?"

Sarah didn't say a word as she did recall the times her grandmother would lead her to her room and tell her not to go down; the next thing she heard were screams and the sound of a young boy in pain.

"Remember now Paulson?, Do you know who killed my mother Paulson? It was I. who killed her, do you know how abusive she was? She would lock me in the basement, whenever I don't get to give her what she wants; she'd put me inside a sack; tie it on a tree then beat me up with a wooden plank. One day, I saw this chance. While she was sleeping I tied her up in the bed, then as she woke up; I started skinning her Oh, and that was probably 3 months before I arrived in this house.

"You're sick!" Sarah yelled with both anger and disgust. "Khail, who's the man who killed them!?" Sarah questioned,

"Listen to me first" Khail said as he continues to tell his story while sitting at a chair beside the table Sarah is tied to.

"It actually took me 3 days to kill her off. She deserved it too right? She was an abusive mother, and at that time that was the only way I could get closer to my father, YOUR father; after killing her, I called the police, and told them lies... and they believed me. I told them that I was away for days, and when I got home I saw my mother skinned, dead. " he chuckled devilishly as he continues

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