Chapter 2: Heartbreak

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 “Feeling this way was a particular kind of horror, having the emotions without the memories.”

― Cassandra Clare, Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy

*Sarah’s POV*

It’s my first day and it’s quite a shocker that someone fainted right before me. Right now I am currently waking for her to wake up in the infirmary in the office.
I felt that I have seen her before, no maybe interacted with her before; her scent, her beautiful blonde hair, her porcelain skin, her cupid’s bow lips, and those blue eyes that penetrates your soul; but I… I can’t remember where I saw her. Maybe she’s a close “Friend” of mine. When I saw her this morning there was euphoria of seeing her, but I don’t exactly know why.

“Oh, Sarah!” a voice called out, I turned my head and saw my former schoolmate and now my freakin’ boss, Edward Montgomery well he just got that position because of his father, I am just second to him in my position in this office.

I stood up and crossed my arms as I raised my brow “Where were you? By the way, she came into my office then hugged me and fainted when I asked her who she was.” I looked at the woman who was unconscious in the bed.

He took a deep breath, and sat on an empty bed near to him.
“Are you serious that you can’t remember her?” he asked sternly.
I nodded as he face palmed.

He sighed. “I thought you’ve already recovered?” he asked looking at me, brows knitted together.

“Well, yeah but the doctors said that I may’ve lost some memories or some skills, talent and shit like that. But I guess I am fine, besides I am better than you!” I bragged jokingly.

“Whatever, If you do lose some of that skills though I’m now one step ahead” he rides with my joke and chuckled lightly.

“Anyway, you haven’t answered my question yet who is she?”

“She’s Lily Rabe, your god damn bestfriend? The three of you are like the powerpuff girls in the school remember? Zachary was buttercup, you were blossom and she’s bubbles?” he grinned

“God, I can’t really remember. I hope I’ll be able to soon”

“You should you got a lot to talk about, by the way she’s going to be your partner. Did I mention she captured the one who almost cracked your skull with a metal pipe?”

My eyes widened. “That BASTARD! Where is he?” I clenched my fist as I felt a somewhat hot steam flowing inside my body, he’ll pay for what he did I am going to put a bullet on his head I swear to God.

“Whoa, Calm down. He’s in the Maximum Security unit. He’s a high profiled criminal and we still need him for interrogation.” Ed said as he rested his hands on my shoulders, and looked at me in the eye

“Right now, I want you to take care of your partner here. Relax yourself because it’s your first day of work. Then probably tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I’ll be handing you whereabouts of his accomplice”

I stared at the floor and nod.

“Good, Zachary said that he’ll visit you any moment from now. I just need to run some errands. Bye” He walked out of the room, leaving me and Lily alone.

I carried a chair and place it beside the bed, so I can sit on it and take a good look on her angelic face.
“I never knew I had a beautiful best friend like this” I thought to myself as I tuck her hair that covers her face behind her ear.

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