Chapter 13: The (Victory and Peace) Sleeps Tonight

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Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have - life itself.

Walter Anderson


Sarah woke up the next day it was already about 2pm; there was this unusual tightness in her chest, there was itchiness and pain on her abdomen; the site where she was injected the drug.

She slowly raised herself up to sit on her bed. She looked around the room and saw Ed; sleeping on the couch.  She vaguely remembers everything that happened yesterday; but one things for sure, she heard Lily’s voice; saying that “I need to save Zach, but I’ll be back. I love you Paulson.”

Despite of the sharp pain in her abdomen; Sarah jumped off the bed and took her phone. The noises startled the sleeping man; he opened his eyes and to his surprise Sarah was already up; she was packing her things and reloading a gun.

He quickly rose from the couch and move towards Sarah

“Paulson! You haven’t recovered yet! Where do you think you’re going?!”

“I’m going to save my friend and my GIRLFRIEND.” Sarah quickly packed her bag and put on her body gun holder. As she was about to leave Ed catches her left hand, his grip was too tight; he doesn’t want Sarah to leave.

“You stay here right now, Paulson. I was in charge to take care of you by your quote on quote GIRLFRIEND”

“Bullshit. You know nothing.” She quickly used that hand he was holding to shove him, she was on full strength. Sarah’s adrenaline was high at that time; she was unstoppable. Ed fell on the floor as Sarah quickly made her way out of the room.

“SHIT” he hissed; as he called the delta and alpha team to track Sarah down.

At the hospital’s parking lot

Sarah did have a duplicate key but the problem is that Lily seemed to take the car with her; “Fuck this” she muttered as she went towards the streets and flagged a cab by basically pointing a gun at one and showing them her badge.

The taxi quickly stopped in front of her, and the driver was scared but he approached Sarah nicely yet nervous by opening the side window.

“W…Where to Ma’am??” His voice was shaky. Sarah saw that the police unit was already there.

“That bastard.” She muttered to herself as she quickly hop on the back seat.

“28XX La Castana Dr Hollywood Hills”

The driver quickly drive her away from the hospital to her designated place; but before that she saw Ed and some officers looking for her; Ed spotted her and she gave him a finger.

Sarah arrived in Zach’s house. She spotted Lily’s car parked in the side walk

“Thank you sir. Sorry for the inconvenience.” Sarah gave a $100 to the driver and walk off.

She entered the house. Everything seems to be in place there were no signs of being the house being infiltrated

“Lily!? Zach?? Harriet?” She called out. But there was no response.

She went to the master’s bed room; and found Lily and Zach’s clothes.

“Shit Shit Shit Shit” She hurriedly scanned the rest of the house and her last stop was the guest room; where she found something really disturbing.

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